12 of 12, October 2012 edition

My tenth “12 of 12”.

The 12 of 12 challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, so I’m linking to Blobby’s Blog as Blobby is the one who inspired me to do it.

All pictures were taken by me with my iPhone 4S. As always, click the images to enlarge if you choose.

10:01 AM: My morning caffeine of choice. Chemicals, I know. But we’re all mortal. And yes, that’s a mason jar. And a bendy straw. It’s how I roll.
10:02 AM: Shoe choice for the day. I’ve about worn the soles off this pair of Chucks. I draw the line at keeping them together with duct tape.
10:34 AM: At Sam’s Club. I wonder how much it costs to print this label? And even more of a wonder, why am I drawn to it?
12:29 PM: Drawing. Kind of. This piece is a wee bit more… architectural? Especially if it involves rulers and circle templates.
2:20 PM: One of these days, maybe all of these devices will match. Maybe. In the meantime, gallimaufry works for me.
4:10 PM: One of the body modifiers at the studio, Chadwick, doing what Chadwick does when he has a free moment.
8:10 PM: A fun tattoo I got to do on a client tonight! It’s actually a cover-up.
8:36 PM: Having a quiet moment in the breakroom.
8:38 PM: Having a quiet moment in the breakroom.
9:22 PM: Our buddy Dwayne from the other side of the state is visiting for the weekend! Neither he nor the Husbear were aware this picture was taken. Until afterwards. I’m sneaky like that.
9:36 PM: They say it’s healthy. I doubt it. If it was healthy I wouldn’t be eating it.
9:54 PM: The housemate’s Interloper’s dog, chasing his own tail. I’m waiting for him to catch it. Or better, to throw up from all the spinning in circles.
11:34 PM: Everyone else is in bed. So it’s paperwork and reading time for me.

I know, there’s 13 pictures. I couldn’t figure out which picture to cut. So you get 13.

Until next time...

20 thoughts on “12 of 12, October 2012 edition

  1. You know, you could put those used smelly Chucks up for auction and someone who is REALLY into used smell Chucks would buy them. Or you could just send them to your favorite foot perv. You do have a favorite foot perv don’t you?

  2. I am the same I have a pair of white converse, which I refuse to throw away, my feet get wet, the soles are thin and I don’t care. I love them.

    I also love the Tats that you have on your legs!

    1. I used to not wear the red ones because with the length and thinness of my feet, they looked like clown shoes. But I’ve since gotten over that.

      You should post pictures of you in yours!

    1. It’s covering up a small Celtic cross. The tattoo didn’t start out with the intention of being a cover-up, but after a conversation with the client about placement, it came up. And so it happened!

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