Category Archives: Meme

Call Me, the Memesical

From Sean of Just a Jeep Guy


1. Do you still have a land line?
Yes. Not that it gets used. The people who need to get in “real” contact with us have our cell numbers. So the ringer is shut off on the telephone attached to it. But one never knows when an emergency will require it. And it’s bundled with our Internet package, so there’s that too.

2. Which cell phone do you use and why?
I have an iPhone 4S currently. Mostly for the reasons I wrote about here four years ago when I got my iPhone 3GS. And those reasons still hold true. It just works, and it does what I need it to do. I just wish I had about 256GB of storage on it instead of the 16GB I have.

3. Which provider do you use? Is there really a difference?
Currently AT&T. I hear people moan and complain about them, but I’ve yet (*knock on wood*) to have an issue with them, either at home or when traveling. I had two other carriers before switching to AT&T: Alltel and Sprint. Neither provided a decent signal where we lived. Which really sucked. AT&T comes through loud and clear.

4. If you call someone and they don’t pick up, do you leave a message?
If I’m calling someone, there’s a reason.

5. When you have a missed call (with no message), do you call the person back?
No. If it wasn’t important enough for them to leave a message, it’s not important enough for me to call back. Oh, and if your number isn’t stored in my contacts, I pretty much don’t pick up.

6. Do you text willingly or reluctantly? How are your skills?
Willingly. In fact, I prefer texting to most forms of communication. I despise talking on the telephone. Loathe it! It’s… not efficient.

7. Has your cell replaced your camera?
Yes. In fact, I sold my DSLR several years ago. I still have a small 10MP pocket camera, but that stays at the tattoo studio for use in taking pictures of tattoos I have completed. With my next phone upgrade, I hope to get rid of it as well.

8. Selfies….
Is this a question?

9. How many apps do you have? Which is your favorite and why?
Apps installed currently: 105. I know I need to go through and prune a few that I haven’t used. And I don’t know that I have a “favorite” favorite. The apps I have all do things I need them to do. I’d say for entertainment purposes, Instagram is my favorite. Mostly because I seem to apparently follow a lot of rather hot men…

10. What would life be like with no cell/smart phone for one month?
I panic if I don’t have it with me when I walk out of the house. It’s a lot of everything for me: my communication center, my camera, my notepad, my music collection, and the list goes on… I’d have to replace those functions with other devices just to manage.


How much has your cell phone become a part of your sex life? Sexting, hookup apps, selfies, video, GPS, more?
Pretty much not for me. If you’ve read me long enough, you know I’ve never been a “sex” guy. While I do have a couple of “those” apps installed, they rarely get launched. And when they do, it’s usually just to say howdy to a couple of friends I have out there that don’t have my phone number or email address.

Until next time...

Spo’s Bloger Meme

Spo, the dear, has created a meme of his own. Not to be confused with a league of his own. Which he may or may not have created. I haven’t seen the movie. Yet.

The questions are a compilation of things he has been asked over time.

What [do] you like most about being a blogger?
I didn’t start off being a blogger on purpose. My blogging started as an effort in maintaining an online diary. And I still see it like that. A sort of “history book” about me, by me, and for me. If anyone else happens to find me and enjoy the ride, I’m all for it. And that’s probably what I like most: meeting people that I would have never met in other circumstances.

How many bloggers have you met?
I probably have to qualify this as “bloggers whom I didn’t know until I started reading their blog then met them in person”, as there are several people who I’ve met that I encouraged to start blogging, or found out they were bloggers long after the fact of us meeting. *whew*

I’m going to have to say 19 according to my blogroll. Not all of them are blogging these days, but they still count. Right?

Do you ever go back and read your old entries?
Yes. It’s my diary… of sorts. Enough so that I wrote a plugin that would show me what I wrote on this same date in previous years (which is over in the sidebar there on my blog, or in the footer of my rss feed). I have a poor memory, so it helps me to look back and see where I was. Or how I was. Or what I was.

Do you share your job skills here?
On occasion. You can find those posts under the following tags: Dear Tattooist, Life as a Tattooist, Getting Tattooed, and Tattootilation.

I have thought about posting more of what I do here, but I really don’t have an interest in it. Mostly because there’s more to me than just that aspect of my life.

Have you changed your views about anything thanks to blogging?
Probably. But I’m really undecided about that. And those views that I’ve questioned are probably the same posts that are still drafts that I haven’t published.

Do your coworkers know about your blog?
Somewhat. I think. It’s been mentioned, and I know they see it up on the computer on occasion at the studio.

I know when I worked for the OGRE in the way back, it seemed everyone was aware of my blog. Even HR and Security. 😉

What advice would you give for successful blogging?
As soon as I know what it means to be “successful blogging”, I’ll let you know. Most of the time I feel like I just post “rubbish”, as Spo would say. Not that Spo would say I post rubbish, but that’s what I feel about a lot of what I post. But it’s what runs through my mind.

What is your opinion of aardvarks?
I am unaware that I have one. Either an aardvark or an opinion of them.

Do you publish everything you write?
No. I currently have 34 posts in “draft” status, and 24 “private” posts that probably won’t be made public.

If you could make “three rules” for blogging, what would they be?
1) If a blogger is going to discontinue their blog, don’t delete it! Keep the blog up and archive it. I can’t tell you how many bloggers I know with well written and meaningful posts have deleted their blogs. There have been many I have linked to in the course of my blogging that are just gone now. 🙁

2) I don’t know if this would be a continuation of #1, but I think upon the death of a blogger, their blog should go to some sort of great archive where it can still be referenced and looked back upon by those who want to. Somewhat like a memorial of sorts. Can you imagine how different libraries would be if all the books created were destroyed once their author died? I see online blogs as a book in a similar sense. Sometimes you don’t find out about someone until they’ve died, but getting to read their posts lets you get to know them somewhat.

3) Be yourself.

Do people help you write your blog?
Not directly. But a lot of fodder is gleaned from watching others.

Who are your blogger super-heroes?
I envy bloggers who have a dedication to writing every single day, like Blobby of Blobby’s Blog, and Dave of Blogography.

I also envy writers who easily write what they are feeling, like Sean of Idle Eyes and a Dormy, and D@vid of Facing Traffic.

There are bloggers who I have a weird “separated at birth” connection with, like JP of Life Is Such A Sweet Insanity.

There are bloggers who maintain a diary like I do of just their everyday life through both words and photographs, like Homer of Homer’s World.

And then there are bloggers who I aspire to have as extensive a vocabulary and wordsmithery as, like Spo of Spo-Reflections, and Stevie of Nice to see StevieB.

Final question (if you dare!):
Have you slept with any of your fellow bloggers?

Well, we didn’t “sleep”… 😉

Until next time...

TMI Answers: Happy Halloween!

Sean of Just a Jeep Guy‘s latest TMI Questions are for Halloween. So what the Hell, I’ll play. 😉


1. Trick or Treat?

“Trick”. In the down with the nooky sort of way. Of course, those happen so rarely that it’s more of a “treat”.

2. Do you hand out candy, make sure you’re not home or pretend to not be home?

We live out in the sticks, so if someone’s knocking on our door they’re not looking for candy.

Usually I’m at the tattoo studio working, and occasionally we’ll have a client bring their kiddos to the studio for candy.

3. What’s your favorite candy?

In general, or for Halloween? If it’s sweet, I’ll eat it. Of course, they don’t sell Cadbury Creme Eggs at Halloween.

4. How big of a holiday is Halloween for you?

It, like most other holidays, is a non-event for me. The older I get, the less I like the holidays.

5. Sexy costume or scary?

I’ve only ever been to a couple of Halloween things as an adult, so you’ll have to tell me:

Drunken Boy Scout, Halloween 2006.
Drunken Boy Scout, Halloween 2006.

Tooth Fairy, Halloween 2007.
Tooth Fairy, Halloween 2007.
Michael Jackson, Halloween 2009.
Michael Jackson, Halloween 2009.

Ever have Halloween Sex while staying in costume/character?

Nope. I’m that vanilla.

Until next time...

50 Days of Doctor Who until the 50th Anniversary! (Two)

If you follow the Doctor Who Official tumblr over on, well, tumblr, you would see that there is a new meme going around. Prepping for the 50th anniversary episode on November 23rd!

I think if I dragged this meme out for the next 50 days, I’d probably lose the last couple of you who actually read my blog.

So instead, I think I’ll just break it up in chunks.

And with that warning, here’s the second chunk!

October 09: Invent a new feature for the Sonic Screwdriver.

A wood setting.

Yes, I think the sonic screwdriver is a bit of an overused plot device. But hey, it is what it is.

October 10: What’s the coolest planet the Doctor’s ever visited?

I’m partial to the Library (minus the Vashta Nerada, that is). Although I don’t know if technically it qualifies as a planet since it’s a planet-sized library. But hey, it has a moon. So that works.

October 11: Take a photo of something IRL that you think would be from Doctor Who.

Speaking of Vashta Nerada, I posted this a while back because it made me think of them:
Vashta Nerada?

October 12: Bow ties, fezzes, or stetsons?
Bow ties.

The fathers of the bride.

October 13: What’s your favorite Doctor Who-themed YouTube video?


Especially the dancing Ood Sigma bits. 😉

Until next time...

50 Days of Doctor Who until the 50th Anniversary!

If you follow the Doctor Who Official tumblr over on, well, tumblr, you would see that there is a new meme going around. Prepping for the 50th anniversary episode on November 23rd!

I think if I dragged this meme out for the next 50 days, I’d probably lose the last couple of you who actually read my blog.

So instead, I think I’ll just break it up in chunks.

And with that warning, here’s the first chunk!

October 04: Who was your first Doctor?
The Fourth Doctor, played by Tom Baker.

The Fourth Doctor
The Fourth Doctor

He was my Doctor growing up. He was the Doctor who I first saw on PBS when I watched Doctor Who as a kid.

October 05: Who is your favorite Companion?
Both Sarah Jane Smith (who traveled with the Third, Fourth, Fifth, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors!) and Clara Oswald.

Sarah Jane Smith
Sarah Jane Smith
Clara Oswald
Clara Oswald

October 06: Which cast/crew member has the best twitter?
I don’t follow any of the DW cast or crew on twitter. Actually, I don’t use twitter anymore, even though my account still exists.

October 07: Favorite episode?
Do you know how difficult it is to pick out one favorite episode out of 798 individual episodes, including one television movie of Doctor Who, encompassing 239 stories?

I think one of my favorite is entitle “Blink“, which barely has the Tenth Doctor in it. But I love the story line and the concept. And it introduced one of the creepiest monsters, the Weeping Angels. I’ll be danged if I can’t look at a stone statue the same since that episode.

Weeping Angel
Weeping Angel

I TOTALLY recommend that episode as a starter to see if someone might like Doctor Who. If their mind is blown with that episode, they’ll love the series.

Here is the teaser trailer for “Blink” on YouTube.

October 08: Name an episode that made lol.
Many episodes make me laugh. Not necessarily the entire episode, but dialog from most. As for just one in particular that I find extremely humorous? There’s a mini-episode called “Time Crash” where the Fifth and Tenth Doctor meet, which contains a lot of banter back and forth that makes me chuckle pretty much all the way through.

Five and Ten
Five and Ten

You can watch “Time Crash” on YouTube. You know you want to. Because I said.

Until next time...

12 of 12, July 2013

My nineteenth “12 of 12”.

The 12 of 12 challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but has now passed the torch on to Janet Hughes who really hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it.

Today’s 12 fell on a Friday. One of my long days. So you’ll get random pictures as I can remember to take them throughout the day before, during, and after clients.

All pictures were taken by me with my iPhone 4S.

12:00 AM: I don't think m likes me sitting on her couch. But I needed to watch some "Restaurant Impossible". She'll just have to deal.
12:00 AM: I don’t think m likes me sitting on her couch. But I needed to watch some “Restaurant Impossible” on the DVR. She’ll just have to deal.
11:32 AM: Looking for an artist to fill this room...
11:32 AM: Prepping the studio to open. I’m looking for an artist to fill this room…
12:46 PM: Computers updated! Right before my first appointment arrives...
12:46 PM: Computers updated! Right before my first appointment arrives…
6:45 PM: My appointment book and pile of stuffs to work on.
6:45 PM: My appointment book and pile of stuffs to work on.
7:58 PM: Restroom selfie.
7:58 PM: Restroom selfie.
8:18 PM: Merging some photos together.
8:18 PM: Merging some photos together.
8:31 PM: Cleaning the Husbear's salon while I have a moment.
8:31 PM: Cleaning the Husbear’s salon while I have a moment.
8:38 PM: Potty break!
8:38 PM: Potty break!
10:12 PM: Way too many choices for toothbrushes.
10:12 PM: Way too many choices for toothbrushes.
10:23 PM: Waiting in the checkout line. I really wish stores in the US would institute the "one line, next available cashier" method.
10:23 PM: Waiting in the checkout line. I really wish stores in the US would institute the “one line, next available cashier” method.
10:49 PM: Some person got a rental truck stuck in a ditch. And blocked the road.
10:49 PM: Some person got a rental truck stuck in a ditch. And blocked the road.
11:07 PM: Dinner. It's healthy, I know.
11:07 PM: Dinner. It’s healthy, I know.

Until next time...