Monthly Archives: September 2008

Empty 3.0

I’ve been a little melancholy the last few days. And by “little” I really mean a whole lot. I haven’t been able to figure out why yet.

But this song pretty much sums it up…

“Empty 3.0”

Crawl across the floor
If it feels like something you know
Curl up in a ball
If it feels like home

Sleep as much as you can
If you can’t sleep then lay there
Pick at yourself
Until you feel pure

Something’s pulling you to the floor
Like a longtime friend
Someone’s banging your head on the wall
As a means to an end

This must be the end of you
But you know this will never stop
You can’t hear anything anymore
Just the hammer in your chest

Walk on through the growing noise
Of your inescapable path
Walk willingly into the dark
Nothing can touch you now

Empty. Empty. Empty.
Filling up with sick
Like water in your lungs
Sucking yellow fog around your head

Once you were a child
The world was darker then
Fear was in the hall
But you won’t think about that now

Just some warmth and a home
And an end to the task
Your doors are standing wide open
But it’s too late for you now

Something’s pulling you to the floor
Like a longtime friend
Someone’s banging your head on the wall
As a means to an end

Empty. Empty. Empty.
Filling up with sick
Like water in your lungs
Sucking yellow fog around your head

And although it’s not quite the time
Although we’ve just begun to leave
We will tarry not to say we were wrong
to leave behind a silent reproach
And when our eyes are searching out
And our hearts are beating strong
We’ll have a reason not to grieve
With holly leaves and scanning skies
And if the colors fade into night
And the storms our heads enclose
And our souls are set against one another
If the seas receive us not
And the skies mock our lowliness
Then we shall still love one another
For we are two, together
For we are two, together

“Empty 3.0” by Information Society

Until next time...

Google Images MeMe

I was tagged by Eiain at My ProZac Cocoon. Here are the rules:

a) Answer the questions below;
b) For each answer, do a Google Image search with minimal words of explanation, and take a picture from the 1st page of results and post it with your answer;
c) Tag 5 people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question. You can do it if you want, I’m not forcing anyone….

I found this hard to do for some reason. I’m not sure what that says about me.

1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday: 36

a position I’m used to being in…

2. Place you want to travel to: outer space

3. Your favorite place: the bathroom

4. Your favorite food: pepperoni pizza

5. Your favorite pet: cats

6. Favorite color combination: blue and white

7. Favorite piece of clothing: underwear

because it keeps my junk where it’s supposed to be…

8. Your all time favorite song: “New Sensation”, INXS

9. Favorite TV show: “South Park”

10. First name of your significant other: Robert

11. Which town do you live in: Pea Ridge

12. Your screen name/nickname: arkansascub

13. Your first job: camp counselor

14. Your dream job: fluffer

15. One bad habit that you have: straight men

seriously, this was one of 2 pictures I could post that wasn’t “graphic”…

16. Worst fear: public speaking

17: Things you’d like to do before you die: nothing comes to mind, how sad is that?

18. The first thing you’ll do if you get $1,000,000: pay off our debt

19. Your husband/wife: is a dork but I love him

20. What present would you like for your next birthday? pimped out mini cooper

Until next time...