Arkansas judge strikes down adoption ban:
A circuit judge Friday struck down a state law banning unmarried couples from adopting and serving as foster parents.
Act 1 unconstitutionally burdens non-marital relationships and acts of sexual intimacy between adults by forcing them to choose between becoming a parent and having any meaningful type of intimate relationship outside of marriage, Circuit Judge Chris Piazza ruled in a lawsuit challenging the initiative voters approved in 2008.
“It infringes upon the fundamental right to privacy guaranteed to all citizens of Arkansas,” the wrote in a two-page order in the suit brought by the ACLU.
Knowing the intelligence level of people here, or rather the lack of it, I’m sure it will be challenged and go to the Arkansas Supreme Court.
The Husbear and I have been together longer than MOST married peoples we know (for each of the many marriages they have had). And yet somehow we’re the ones who don’t have a stable relationship?
Until next time...
Oh yes, there will be action, but we can certainly rejoice in this relatively unexpected turn of events. I haven’t lived in Arkansas in 20+ years, but in the week that I’ve been back here visiting, it has become clear to me just how ignorant many folks continue to live in this “neck of the woods”. But actions such as Justice Piazza’s are a massive long-jump in the right direction. Even more encouraging is Arkansas Atty General Justin McDaniel’s comment that he “has never supported [Act One]” but did his job by advising and defending it per his mandate. What a personal conflict that must have been. Anyway, I’m delighted! Moreover, I want to hold out hope for my home state.