My mind is a blank. It was a long week at the tattoo studio. I’m home. The Husbear is out at the club. So I’m having a rare quiet “me” time.
With vodka. Which isn’t rare.
And the Internet. Also not rare.
I stumbled about this cover of the Scissor Sisters’ “I Don’t Feel Like Dancing” by Hayseed Dixie on YouTube just a bit ago, and I’ve been LOLing ever since.
The “ba-oom papa oom papa oom papa mow mow” from “Elvira” really made me giggle.
In case you don’t know what it sounds like, here’s the original song by the Scissor Sisters:
And yes, I’m Team Babydaddy.
Until next time...
Baby daddy indeed
I saw Hayseed Dixie back in 2001 at Sticky Fingerz in Little Rock. They are hilarious. Bluegrass AC/DC cover? Hell yes. They also sang Happy Birthday to me so as far as I’m concerned, they rock.
Back off… babydaddy MINE, beyotch!
I enjoyed the posts too.