Day Ten: Arkansas or Bust!

Since we took the excessively scenic but got us no where fast route yesterday, Tuesday found us taking the Interstate home.

I-40 all the way from Albuquerque.


Can I tell you what a boring stretch of road that is? And it always seems to be under construction in places.



About the coolest thing we saw was a plethora of wind farms along the way.


But after 4,014 miles driven over a ten day period, we have arrived home.


We had a great trip: we married off our daughter, met a bunch of bloggers in person, enjoyed a special procession, and saw a lot of scenery.

Now, it’s time to do laundry, sync my phone, and spend some time reading what’s been going on in the blogger world since I’ve been in the road.

Until next time...

8 thoughts on “Day Ten: Arkansas or Bust!

  1. Isn’t ‘plethora’ fun to say? Plethora. Plethora. Plethora! Bunch of wind farms on I-74 near Urbana-Champaign, and on I-39 north from there to Rockford, IL. So cool. Their red lights all blink in sync at night. Which is freaky.

    Glad you made it home safely!
    Q: What app are you using to track your trip progress?

    1. Plethora is a great word. It should be used more.

      The blinking lights would freak me out a little, especially if they all blink in unison. Or in some strange morse code pattern that spelled out something sinister.

      The app I was using to track our travel is called “Trip Journal“.

  2. Welcome home — it sounds like fun. I sometimes suggest to Fritz that on one of our trips to Oregon to see my daughter there, we drive across the country but that’s a far longer trip than you just took — maybe I’ll look into Amtrack. I’d love to see the upper mid-west.

    1. Thank you. We had a great time. Probably one of the best trips we have ever made, actually.

      It’d be worth the drive, just to see all the things one never gets to see. If you don’t take the Interstate, that is.

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