Friday, November 20, 2015 at 9:07 pm

Is it wrong that I’m excited to get these in the mail today?

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Is it wrong that I'm excited to get these in the mail today?
Is it wrong that I’m excited to get these in the mail today?

11 thoughts on “Is it wrong that I’m excited to get these in the mail today?

    1. For reasons that probably have to do with copyright or something, MANY things are not available to stream from Netflix. Their DVD catalog is deep, too, so you can find almost anything, but I’m not a fan of their pricing plan for streaming plus DVD’s. SO, I get my DVD’s from the library. Moral: Support your public library!

  1. i have to be honest – I do NOT get the gay man / Golden Girls fixation. Like shopping, it is the gay gene that has not taken with me. And I’m ok with that.

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