I’ve Come To Realize

I think some psychological professor creates some of these, just to figure out people.

I need to be more photogenic. And groomed. And something done with my pores.

1. I’ve come to realize that my chest-size…
… is not nearly as big/developed as I’d like it to be, yet I don’t make the effort to work out.

2. I’ve come to realize that my job…
… is not a job at all. Which makes it awesome!

3. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving…
… I seem to get short-term memory loss. I can’t really describe it, but often I don’t remember details of the route I’ve just traveled.

4. I’ve come to realize that I need…
… to be more social than I am.

5. I’ve come to realize that I have lost…
… my mind?

6. I’ve come to realize that I hate it when…
… I figure out that someone was hitting on me. Six hours after the fact.

7. I’ve come to realize that if I’m drunk…
…I’m a lot more flirtatious than when I’m sober.

8. I’ve come to realize that money…
… might be necessary to live, but it’s not necessary to have a life.

9. I’ve come to realize that certain people…
… only want to be your friend because you’re a tattooist. Or a computer guy. Or both. I guess really they only want to be one’s friend because of what they can have done for them.

10. I’ve come to realize that I’ll always…
… be a pariah to the family from which I obtained my surname. And I’m starting to be okay with that.

11. I’ve come to realize that my sibling(s)…
… followed in their father’s footsteps.

12. I’ve come to realize that my mom…
… is a hoarder, just like her mother was.

13. I’ve come to realize that my cell phone…
… works as technology should work: simply and *almost* transparently. As I had discussed with a tech colleague lately, meaningful technology should be technology which the user doesn’t even realize is technology at all.

14. I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning…
… that my left elbow hurts.

15. I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep…
… I felt like I accomplished a lot around the house, even though I was under the weather.

16. I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking…
… that filling out this meme is difficult.

17. I’ve come to realize that my dad…
… may have been a “father”, but he was no “dad”. There is a difference.

18. I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook…
… I need to purge a lot of people who I have listed as “friends”.

19. I’ve come to realize that today…
… is just another day. Just like the one before, and hopefully the one tomorrow.

20. I’ve come to realize that tonight…
… I need to put a 3rd coat of paint on the laundry alcove so I can get the washer, dryer, and hot water heater moved this week. Then the remainder of the construction begins.

21. I’ve come to realize that tomorrow…
… might be your Wednesday, but it’s my Tuesday.

22. I’ve come to realize that I really want to…
… be naked and not ashamed. Apparently 25 years of religious oppression causes issues.

23. I’ve come to realize that the person mostly likely to repost this is…
… probably someone who also can’t think of anything else to blog about. And also ends their sentences with prepositions.

24. I’ve come to realize that life…
… 42.

25. I’ve come to realize that this weekend…
… was spent with the Husbear working on and around the house. And I enjoy that.

26. I’ve come to realize the best music to listen to when I am upset…
… varies depending on what I define “upset” as at that moment.

27. I’ve come to realize that my friends…
… can be counted on one hand.

28. I’ve come to realize that this year…
… I will be older than I was the year before.

29. I’ve come to realize that my exes…
… don’t exist. Because I don’t have any.

30. I’ve come to realize that maybe I should…
… show my Husbear that I appreciate him, more than I currently show him.

31. I’ve come to realize that I love…
… ginger snaps.

32. I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand…
… the mathematics behind atomic theory. Seriously. That’s what made me change my major the first time in college.

33. I’ve come to realize that my past…
… would not make a good novel. So instead I blog.

34. I’ve come to realize that parties…
… are something I am not frequently invited to, and don’t attend many of.

35. I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified…
… of public speaking. Luckily I don’t have to do that with what I do now.

36. I’ve come to realize that my life…
… is pretty darn okay just the way it is.

Meme stolen from YvesPaul at Melodramatic Diary of a Cynic.

Until next time...

8 thoughts on “I’ve Come To Realize

  1. #22. I get it.
    I was that way. Then, one day, I decided to never give a shit anymore. No one I know has a perfect body. Neither do I. So, take it all off and enjoy the freedom.

  2. #31 – I have a great recipe, if you’re interested. I love ’em, too.
    #10 – Continue in that direction. It’s a good place to go.

  3. #22 is still an issue for me as well. I’ve been married to Jen for 9 years and at times I still find myself covering up. I then feel shameful for my shamefulness. I blame the church I grew up in as well. It messed me up on so many levels.

  4. #1: I share the same issue here, though I just dusted the weights in preparation. Then again, I really just dusted the whole house… so I am not too sure. Hmm.

    #5: Yeah, I am there too.

    #9: I don’t want a tattoo (sorry) and I am my own computer guy (Mac of course)… so um, hey blogger friend.

    #18: Yes, yes, yes… so true!

    #24: I concur… though it will be 43 next month for me. Perhaps this will be the end.

    #36: I agree with Urspo. It is a good place to be.

  5. Love what you say about Robert, Erik. Also, I hope Dwayne and I fit on those fingers on the one hand you are counting your friends on. I just wonder who the other three are…

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