Apparently 10 years ago Star Wars was a thing, just like now. This was taken when I worked for the OGRE and was doing computer setups for the YBM. #i️❤️robots
I was going to take a picture of the rain, since it’s done that pretty much non-stop since we returned from Chicago this past weekend.
Instead, I present to you Mother Nature’s wrath. Or at least her dislike of electronics. We’ve had incredible lightning here with all this rain. Unfortunately, a strike nailed our phone line somewhere down the line, which then took out the DSL modem. Which then took out the built-in network router. Which then traveled to the other wired network components and took them out: the Roku, the Blu-Ray player, and the A/V Receiver. Not to mention the DSL modem/router itself.
*le sigh*
Jim, formerly of Jim’s Stuff, started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge three years ago. I’ve done it each year, and will continue since that’s all I pretty much post these days. The only other bloggers that I’m aware of who are also doing this are Blobby of Blobby’s Blog and Patrick of Pac’s Pad.
My first non-Windows computer, minus me dabbling with Linux from time to time. And it’s already been a learning experience! It was Lion when I got it. I somehow managed to nuke the drive. Then discovered I shouldn’t have done that. So I bought Snow Leopard to install on it fresh. Then upgraded to Yosemite. After trying to make a Yosemite installation DVD. Which I did. I’m learning!
Thank you to my buddy Dwayne for helping to make this happen. Although I’m not sure what to do with it yet. 😉
Jim, formerly of Jim’s Stuff, started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge three years ago. I’ve done it each year, and will continue since that’s all I pretty much post these days. The only other bloggers that I’m aware of who are also doing this are Blobby of Blobby’s Blog and Patrick of Pac’s Pad.
Thank you, Apple, for finally adding the option to have emergency contact information on the dialer screen. I’m sure this will greatly help first responders.
You can set up this information in the new “Health” app that’s preinstalled with iOS8. Go to the Medical ID tab, and enter the information you want to appear when someone makes an emergency call from your iPhone.
If you’re on iOS8, do it NOW!
Until next time...
Sunday, June 22, 2014 at 3:10 pm
Closet find. Was I the only one who thought this was cool tech at the time?