Happy 40th to our friend Jeff! It’s all downhill from there, right? *grin*
Until next time...
Happy 40th to our friend Jeff! It’s all downhill from there, right? *grin*
Until next time...
Finally heading back home. Three weeks is way to long to be away! I had a great time there though.
Until next time...
On my way to Kansas City, MO for the next three weeks for work. I’m not thrilled to be away from the Husbear, but I’d take the temporary separation than be stuck in the office anymore! The Husbear knows this and understands it, but he doesn’t like me being away.
Until next time...
Headed down to Dallas with the Husbear, Jeff and Richard to celebrate New Years the “Big City” way! We had a great time! The men in Dallas definitely know how to through a New Years bash! A lot of fun, a lot of alcohol, and a lot of good times! Thank you Dallas!
Until next time...
I just returned from my grandfather’s funeral in Florida. I now have no more living grandparents. So this is what it feels like to be older?
Until next time...
More sad news. My last grandparent–my mom’s father–died last night/this morning at around 2 AM. He has been in hospice care for the last few months for lung cancer. He almost made it to his 83rd birthday (Christmas Day). So, it looks like I’ll be heading down to Florida for the third funeral this year.
Until next time...