Tag Archives: robertanderik.com Archives

Archives pulled from my static entries on robertanderik.com

January 1, 2007

Happy New Year! Hope you have a great new year!

Today was the “lazy day” of our Atlanta trip to see Jeff & Richard. We didn’t get up until noon-ish (from the partying late last night). We went to meet Omar & Wade for a “New Years” lunch at Roaster’s.

L-R: Richard, the Husbear, Wade, Omar, Erik, Jeff.

After that, we drove around and looked at different homes in Atlanta. We then headed back to the house for a lot of lounging and television watching.

Relaxing on the couch.

Until next time...

December 31, 2006

Planned on heading to the Georgia Aquarium. When we got there, the earliest we could get in was 4 PM, and with the aquarium closing at 6 PM we didn’t want to rush through. So, we’ll see it next trip. We headed back to the house after eating at the Mellow Mushroom, then went to Woofs to ring in the New Year. After midnight, we headed to the Eagle for more celebrating and other “ringing” until about 2:30 AM when we called it quits for the night.

Until next time...

December 30, 2006

Headed out to Stone Mountain Park for a look at the mountain. It was a wee bit foggy that day, which was kind of cool (I thought).

Jeff, Richard, the Husbear and Erik at Stone Mountain

the Husbear and Erik in front of the carving on Stone Mountain.

Jeff and Richard in front of the carving on Stone Mountain.

On top of old, er, foggy...

After going up to the top and back down again, we drove around the park and looked at the sights. After that, we headed to get some food at Agnes & Muriels. Then out to Woofs we went. We headed over to the Eagle for a night of debauchery.

Early morning eating after drinking and dancing... note the Krisy Kreme boxes!

Until next time...

December 29, 2006

We went to the “Sun Dial” at the top of the Westin Peachtree Plaza hotel for a view of the city.

Jeff, the Husbear and half of Richard.

the Husbear pointing at who knows what.

A view up.

Walked around Piedmont Park. After working (or walking) up and appetite, we headed over to Mick’s on Bennett Street for Fried Green Tomatoes and lunch. That evening, we headed over to Burkhart’s to see what was going on. Then we headed over to Woofs–where we finally got to meet Omar of The Other O podcast. We headed over to the Eagle, but it was rather dead, so we went to the Heretic for a little dancing.

Until next time...

December 28, 2006

Flew out to Atlanta to visit our friends Jeff and Richard who recently moved (back) to Atlanta after a 3 year “stint” in Arkansas. Stopped by Woofs on the way to their house from the airport to get some munchies. After that we headed over to their lovely house (not far from Woofs… convenient!). We decided to go out to Hoedowns for a little country music, then later on to the Eagle for, well, everything else.

Until next time...