Tag Archives: YouTube

Mopiness of Doom

I don’t know if any of you are familiar with Invader Zim, but it’s a great cartoon that was canceled after only 47 episodes. If you’ve never watched any of them before, Volume 1 is available to watch instantly on Netflix. I highly recommend you do so. You won’t be sorry.

I’m extremely partial to Zim’s robot minion GIR. Partial enough that I tattooed GIR on my calf. Here’s a collection of some of GIR’s craziness:

Update: Looks like it’s only kind of available. But if you click this link it will show you the video full-screen.

Dead Robot shared the below with me, as he knows my love of all things Invader Zim. There was an Invadercon (who knew such a thing existed!) in Atlanta this past weekend where the voice actors read two scripts that had never been animated.

I really love watching voice actors perform. Sometimes one can almost see the character they are voicing come to life in their emotions.

It probably doesn’t help my maturity level in that I tend to make all sorts of squeaky voices myself.

Anyway, here is the reading for “Mopiness of Doom”:

And the reading for “Day of da Spookies”:

Sadly, it appears the event was attended by a gaggle of pre-teen girls, as that’s about all you can hear in the audience.

Until next time...

Nasty Naughty Boy

It’s another installment of random music I love.

This song falls into the category of jazz/neo-swing for me. Which I love. Probably more so than someone my age should.

I find it an oddity that this song comes from a pop princess, Christina Aguilera. It’s on the second disc of her “Back to Basics” album from 2006.

I present “Nasty Naughty Boy”:

I see this song playing as some striptease act in some “gentleman’s club”. Or maybe something I’d do if I ever getting around to doing *that* video….

Here’s a live version of the song:

Until next time...


Jim of “Jim’s Stuff” shared this song/video. I had never heard it before, but I like it. Especially the video.

Robbie Williams and Gary Barlow’s “Shame”:

I think Robbie and Gary have both aged since their early years in the band “Take That“.

This next song is my only frame of reference for anything Robbie Williams had done, which I also love. The video is twisted, and Robbie gets naked.

Until next time...

International Bright Young Thing

I was always a big Jesus Jones fan thanks to their first album “Liquidizer” in 1989, long before that horrible “Right Here, Right Now” came out. (Okay, it’s not horrible, but I don’t think it’s their best work.) I was a big fan of their third album “Perverse” in 1993, but I don’t remember it getting much play here in the States. Granted, I had moved from Orlando to Arkansas by that point, and I’m fairly certain nothing of theirs played on any Country or Christian music stations.

There’s a line in this song that has stuck with me since I first heard it: “I’m so tired I can hardly think so I feel instead and let you loose inside my head…”. That tired feeling has happened to me many times over the years, and that line always bubbles into my mind. Odd how lyrics do that.

I really like the genre of music this fits into. It’s kind of pop-y rock-y and kind of electronic-y. It’s what I think of when I think of the music from the 1990s that I enjoyed.

All that said, I present you with Jesus Jones’ “International Bright Young Thing”:

I don’t particularly care for the video for this song. It is quite… bouncy. And by “bouncy” I mean pogo stick and not “Shiny Happy People” bouncy.

Until next time...

I Don’t Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me)

I’ve been stupid busy lately. Which in reality I guess is a good thing.

The bad thing is it doesn’t leave me much time to read bloggers that I follow, let alone write a dang post of my own. I’ve been playing reading catch up while I’m doing cardio on the treadmill… after a busy day at the studio. Luckily there aren’t any hot guys at my gym to distract me from reading.

Oh, and I received the Spo-Shirt yesterday in the mail. I still haven’t even opened the box yet! Argh! I need more hours in my day.

But as luck would have it–although it’s really late and I should be in bed–I had this post waiting in the wings already.

And probably a surprise to most of you, but I like a lot of Marilyn Manson’s stuff. I’m guessing as a hold over from my younger days when I’d listen to a lot more heavy metal and hair bands.

The band has a lot of well-constructed songs. Sadly, most never made radio play, let alone having videos made for them.

As for videos, I’m particularly partial to the television crucifix imagery used in “I Don’t Like The Drugs (But The Drugs Like Me)”:

Until next time...