Monday, May 6, 2019 at 2:15 am

This is still how I see myself mentally: the dork hiding in the back row in an effort to not get beat up. #1986

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This is still how I see myself mentally: the dork hiding in the back row in an effort to not get beat up. #1986
This is still how I see myself mentally: the dork hiding in the back row in an effort to not get beat up. #1986

4 thoughts on “This is still how I see myself mentally: the dork hiding in the back row in an effort to not get beat up. #1986

  1. I suspect a lot of people in the blogosphere feel the same. Strangely enough, even the “cool kids” that I still am in contact with from high school, tell me they saw themselves as dorks. I had the same huge glasses, I hope at least now you can look at that picture and see the cute kid you actually were.

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