12 thoughts on “Washing My Pussy

    1. She is so not a fan of the bathing. Her sister is the complete opposite and just sits there without meowing a word.

      Since we live out in the country, we tend to get a flea problem during the summer months if we’re not careful. So in an effort to break that cycle and stop any sort of infestation from happening, we (meaning I) attempt to bathe them every weekend.

  1. My Sasha used to scream like she was being dismembered when I did this to her. She only had rear claws, but she was still QUITE adept at using them to inflict as much pain as possible…

    1. Only µ seems to have an issue with the bathing. m just sits there the entire time like it’s no big deal.

      And oddly enough, µ is our “Lane Bryant” kitteh. For her being that, she’s pretty damned athletic on trying to get away from me when I’m bathing her. I’m fairly certain she might be possessed too, as I swear this last time she rotated her head around 360 degrees in an effort to bite me.

  2. Tell your Kitteh that while I was watching the video, my female kitteh, Momma, came running into the room, jumped on the desk went to the monitor and started to paw at the Kitteh in the screen. She was very concern about the issue.
    I has two other cats in the past that I would bath for the same reason. The hated it, and hid from me until they dried. But I could sit them on the table and use the flea comb…they would not move a muscle.

    1. Oddly enough, when I was playing back the video, our other kitteh came bolting into the room and did the same thing.

      It must be some sort of shared sound across the species?

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