Taken from Joe.My.God:
Know Thy Neighbor is reporting that Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke is among the 80,000 Arkansas residents that signed a petition to ban adoption for same-sex couples. His wife signed also.
Mike Duke of 16 Pinnacle Drive, Rogers, Arkansas with the birthdate of 12/07/49 appears on a petition sheet for the Anti-Gay Arkansas Adoption and Foster Ban or Act 1. The actual petition sheet may be viewed here and on KnowThyNeighbor.org where one may find the alleged signature of Mr. Duke and the check mark put on by the State of Arkansas indicating that this name was verified and counted for the advancement and ultimate success of the anti-gay legislation in Arkansas in 2008 otherwise known as Act 1.
I think this helps cement my decision that the company I work for, as represented by it’s executives, does not “Respect the Individual” nor do they actually care about the advancement of any gay “equality”.
Hey P.R.I.D.E. group… are you listening?
Until next time...
please tell me you are not surprised?
I actually was surprised by this.
As a CEO of any company (and in a “political position”), everything he does is calculated to make the company better. As a CEO one has to represent the company ideals they are the spokesperson for, both during “business hours” and outside of those hours. I doubt very seriously he did not discuss this decision before he made it with his “handlers”.
Wal-Mart has been trying to improve its image (which is much needed) in the global community. I’m curious to see what happens with this, if anything. Sadly, I’m betting it has already been swept under the rug. Oh wait, it has. Even the PRIDE group at Wal-Mart has failed to do anything short of meeting and talking.
*le sigh*
Respect for the Individual = Respect for People Who are Just Like Us
Wal-Mart is what happens when you give white trash money. I’m happy to be rid of them.
I’m not sure if it’s what happens when you give white trash money, or when you give white trash power (thinking about the corner offices and above…).
This surprises you? Your employer is the biggest douchebag in the known universe…that’s common knowledge. And it’s also why I shop at TARGET.
same response as what I sent to sortedlives…
I never shopped there anyway, good thing too.