Add this to my Xmas list. Please. Sunday, October 17, 2010 at 8:06 pmDiversionsHawtErik Rubright Short-cropped yet full and scruffy-looking beard. I shall call you… “Mr. Beard”. (lick to embiggen) Oh how I wish my beard did that. Damn you, genetics! Can someone gift him to me for the Xmases? Until next time...36.4310891-94.1224935Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window)Like this:Like Loading...
The Husbear asked me after he saw this post if he was still on my Xmas list. I told him: “Yes. This was just a stocking stuffer.” Mr. Beard can stuff more than my stocking, however. Loading... Reply
Since I have the hots for him, that’s probably the case. That, or he’s totally straight. Loading... Reply
I wish my beard was like that too. Mr. Beard probably has a husbear, AND is a bottom. LOL Loading... Reply
The Husbear asked me after he saw this post if he was still on my Xmas list. I told him: “Yes. This was just a stocking stuffer.”
Mr. Beard can stuff more than my stocking, however.
Well, if it’s any consolation- mr beard is probably a total bottom.
Since I have the hots for him, that’s probably the case. That, or he’s totally straight.
Does he have a brother for me?
He might. I’ll ask him. If someone gets him for me for the Xmases.
I wish my beard was like that too. Mr. Beard probably has a husbear, AND is a bottom. LOL
All the ones I think are hot are usually bottoms. Go figure.