Every nuclear detonation from 1945 to 1998. It starts out slow… but doesn’t stay that way.
I think I’m going to lead-line my house now. But I’m sure the genetic damage has already been done.
Until next time...
Every nuclear detonation from 1945 to 1998. It starts out slow… but doesn’t stay that way.
I think I’m going to lead-line my house now. But I’m sure the genetic damage has already been done.
Until next time...
Now that politicians can be bought and sold by corporations with no limit thanks to the new ruling by SCOTUS, corporations with virtually unlimited pockets like Wal-mart Stores, Inc. will now own the government.
I FULLY expect corporations like Wal-mart Stores, Inc. to now pressure their associates into voting for politicians they want elected more directly than they did before. And yes, they do that. I can’t tell you how many emails I received while working for the company that asked us to express our vote for this or that candidate.
Will deep-pocketed Exxon and Wal-Mart buy the next Electoral College to elect the President?
The corporation(s) that controls the media and the Internet controls the minds of the people.
No, I’m not cynical.
Until next time...
Wow… They do WHAT?
…we also need to be affectionate and you can see that with Barack and Michelle as well. They do a lot of touching, kissing, even fisting with one another. And when they kiss one another—if you notice—they actually look at one another and kiss each other on the lips. And that is so very important because couples really need to feel like they are physically bonded to one another…
Who’d have thought….
From Adult Christianity.
Until next time...
All I have to say about today is…
“Make it so, Number One.”
(Yeah, I know, technically “Number One” was really number two. But you know what the hell I mean!)
Until next time...
Until next time...