Tag Archives: YouTube

Random Music I Love

Take away my gay card. Seriously. I LOVE this version so much more than the original by Donna Summer.

“I Feel Love” as covered by the Blue Man Group, featuring the incredible Venus Hum:

I want that dress she’s wearing. But in underwear form.

Here’s another cover by BMG that I love: “Baba O’Riley” from The Who.

I think my piano teacher would have shit herself if I would have done that to the piano. I should have.

I have always loved the sound PVC pipes make when you hit them. As a kid, my father had spare PVC pipe laying around (it was used for irrigation in the nursery).

I’m fairly certain I never did anything as creative as this kid has though.

It’s a Lady Gaga Medley.

You should go check out more of his work on his YouTube channel. He’s got some seriously mad skills.

Until next time...

I’m gonna sing the Doom Song now.

I recorded a video of myself yesterday. Actually, the Husbear recorded it.

This is what happens when I have a slow moment at the tattoo studio. Which is actually a rare thing to have happen.

I still have some shading to do and the coloration in the body, but this is what I was able to get done before a client walked into the studio for a tattoo:

It’s GIR. Wearing the Fourth Doctor’s scarf.

Maybe I should blog about my reasons for those choices?

Until next time...

Who am I? Where am I? Why do I feel this way?

More nostalgia on my part. I guess I thought I’d share some of the music that helped make me, me. Back about 20 years ago almost. Wow.

This version is actually a little different than the album version of the song. But close enough.

What’s weird? I never knew most of these songs I’m nostalgic for had videos.

Granted, most of the videos were pretty shitty.

Hard to believe some of these bands are still around today.

And even Tammy Wynette got into the gig!

Even the Daleks tried to get a gig or two.

And some of these bands, I often wonder if anyone else even remembers….

Until next time...