Tag Archives: YouTube

Holiday “Cheer”

This is about as cheerful as I get during this Holiday season: I get to wear a hat that if I wore it at any other time of the year people would just look at me like I escaped from the asylum. Which maybe I did. Once.

Speaking of lunatics, I always thought this would make a good Christmastime song. Then again, what the Hell do I know about Holiday cheer?

Yes, it’s a cover of the 1981 song “The Lunatics (Have Taken Over the Asylum)” by Fun Boy Three. I like this version by Collide from the 2004 album “Vortex” better.

Until next time...

The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had…

I’ve had that line from “Mad World” by Tears for Fears stuck in my head all day today.

Actually, I’ve had the entire arrangement as done by Michael Andrews and Gary Jules stuck in my head. It sounds more… haunting?

You might recognize this version of the song from the movie “Donnie Darko”, or commercials for the video game “Gears of War”, or the person-who-didn’t-win-“American-Idol” sang it and received a standing ovation from the-evil-host-man, and several dozen other things.

It doesn’t hurt that Gary Jules is easy on the eyes. Maybe that’s why it’s been stuck in my head?

Gary Jules

There are more pictures of him on his website.

There’s a great video of Gary singing it live here:

I’m not really sure why the song has been lingering in the back of my mind. Don’t you hate when that happens? I thought maybe blogging about it would get it out of my mind, but no such luck. Now I’ve spent the last few hours looking at all sorts of different versions of the song.

Oh well….

Here are the complete lyrics, if you’re interested: Continue reading The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had…

Until next time...