Tag Archives: YouTube

Where the Hell is Matt?

Thanks to cb for pointing me to this.

Where the Hell is Matt? (2008) from Matthew Harding on Vimeo.

I actually cried watching this. Me. That rarely happens. This makes time number four five that I have cried like that. Yes, it happens so rarely I can count them:
1. Watching “The Fox and the Hound” as a child;
2. Watching “ET” as a child;
3. Watching the Husbear as he watched his father die;
4. Watching “It’s My Party”;
5. And now watching this video.

I’ve watched it three times now.

[Edit: I corrected the spelling on #3. I left the “W” off of “watching”. -Erik]
[Edit #2: My buddy Roy actually sent me the link to this before I saw it on cb’s site, but I didn’t see the email until later. -Erik]

Until next time...