Monthly Archives: May 2011

Anyone want to 4 Play?

Because I have absolutely nothing that I can think of that is worth writing about as of late, I stole this from Sean at Idle Eyes and a Dormy. It was his birfday yesterday (17 May), by the way. Go wish him a happy birfday plus 1 day!

I think there’s way too much insight about me revealed in this. And it took a whole lot of thought. Something that’s rare with me.

4 Things I need to spend more time on in my life:
1. My relationship with my Husbear;
2. My friendships, the few of which I have;
3. My craft—more time drawing and learning new techniques;
4. Building my self-confidence.

4 Things I need to spend less time on in my life:
1. Self-doubt;
2. Self-loathing;
3. Staring at a computer screen;
4. Worrying.

4 Things I wish I could spend more time on in my life:
1. Relaxing, mentally;
2. Creating;
3. Laughing;
4. Just living.

4 Things I love about myself:
(How messed up is it that I can’t think of one thing?)

4 Things I hate about myself:
1. My lack of a sex drive;
2. My inability to accept, believe and own a compliment from another;
3. My voice;
4. The way my john thomas curves.

4 Things I love that I used to hate:
1. Chuck Ts;
2. Beer;
3. Landscaping;
4. Guys with tattoos….

4 Things I hate that I used to love:
1. Organized religion;
2. Heavy/thrash metal music;
3. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.;
4. A few specific people.

4 Things I look forward to:
1. Road trips;
2. Finishing my right sleeve and left leg;
3. The next Doctor Who episode;
4. Spending my remaining years with the Husbear.

4 Things I dread:
1. Public speaking;
2. Being in a crowd;
3. Being naked;
4. Knowing one day I will see the lifeless body of my Husbear.

4 Things I once believed in but no longer do:
1. An omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient being, call it what you will;
2. People/Humanity, in general;
3. My parents were infallible;
4. Politicians are altruistic.

4 Things I believe in that I didn’t use to:
1. Corporal punishment;
2. “An eye for an eye”;
3. Karma;
4. “A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”

4 Things I love to do but I’m bad at:
1. Be sociable;
2. Let my inner-child come out;
3. To be whimsical;
4. Let the music take control.

4 Things I hate to do but I’m good at:
1. Accounting;
2. Waste time in front of a computer;
3. Act “grown-up”;
4. Being a dick.

4 Things I did that I am ashamed of:
1. Vandalized a building when I was a teenager…
2. … and let others take the fall for it;
3. Freaked out and made a scene when someone came out to me, back in college when I was still trying to figure out what I was myself;
4. That one specific tattoo I did back in the early days.

4 Things I did that I’m proud of:
1. Started—and still run—two successful businesses;
2. Became an Eagle Scout;
3. Became entirely self-employed;
4. Remodeling this old house in which we live.

4 Things I didn’t do that I regret:
1. Take piano lessons seriously as a child;
2. Make more of an effort to maintain a friendship;
3. Take pictures during that one Thanksgiving dinner that ended up being the last holiday when the Husbear’s dad was alive;
4. Say “Thank you”.

4 Things I want before I die:
1. To travel somewhere outside the continental U.S.;
2. To learn to play the banjo;
3. To be comfortable enough in my skin that I can take take a naked picture of myself and feel good about it;
4. And maybe be in a porn. šŸ˜‰

Until next time...


This one’s for Blobby.

“Housework” was the B-side song on the “Summer of Love” single in 1986. Wow. 1986.

I don’t know that a real video was ever made for this song. The “Bouncing Off The Satellites” album was pretty much “abandoned” by the band following the death of guitarist Ricky Wilson in October 1985 from AIDS/HIV-related health complications.

I present you with “Housework”. Just imagine Blobby dancing around his house with a feather duster when you hear the song.

This “video” also has “Detour Thru Your Mind” and “Wig” appended to it. Give them a listen, especially “Detour Thru Your Mind”.

Until next time...