Sean’s question to me got me thinking, and then I saw this over at Joe. My. God.:
Besides the obvious stereotypes, I don’t know that this chart is visualized correctly at least as far as the “Age” spoke is concerned. It’s probably hard to do a 3D graph in a 2D world. I also think they should include level of gregariousness as an additional spoke.
I guess I’d probably fall into the “otter” category. I really don’t know a lot of otters though. Does that mean I eat a lot of “food” on my chest. Are there otter support groups?
Where do you fall? Do you self-identify as that? Do others identify you the same? Do you typically hang out with other people in that same group?
Until next time...
What’s odd is that none of those qualities are selectively “gay.” And I don’t really understand how hair is necessarily opposite of age. If I were gay, I guess I’d be an otter too… though I don’t know at which point your age starts dragging you the other way and you become a wolf.
With this much confusion, it must be really hard to fill out a personals ad.
Do straight men use the term “bear” to describe themselves? And I wonder if there are lesbian bears?
The muscle vs. fat spoke I can understand. The Age vs. Hair one I don’t. I’m assuming it was just done for aesthetic purposes–much like hair on a human these days.
I had to Google the difference between an otter and a wolf. Apparently “a wolf is a gay man who is older, hairy, but DOMINANT and assertive if not aggressive in his quest for male partners.” I think I’m on the opposite end of the spectrum of wolf-dom.
And I’m fairly certain that’s why Craigslist was created: so people could just post pictures.
I think the shapes are misleading.
Otherwise, I fall somewhere in the mid-southeast.
I think you’re supposed to partially exclude one of the four axis to find where you stand, otherwise you can’t find your group. I exclude age for me since I consider myself still fairly young. I’m very hairy and with some fat on my bones demonstrating a lovely beer belly, although it’s caused by eating and not drinking. I do go to the gym though and I do run. So, I consider myself either an otter or a cub… It depends what I had for dinner the night before…
I think I fall into a former bear by age, cublet by spirit trying to be a muscle pup. Interesting chart.
I love that every stereotype listed overlaps in some way with the Bear group. Bear really is universal.
Have to agree with Dave2… I am older, Hairy and somewhat fat. That would place me in the CHUB/CUB area by averaging out the distance between Age and Hair.
Fail! I say Fail, sir!
I’ve been described as a “sassy gay top” – I don’t see the category for that…