Tag Archives: Arkansas

12 of 12, September 2015 edition

My 45th “12 of 12.” A Saturday. My Friday, and the Husbear’s too. And I’m behind. On many things. So many things. Blog posts being one of them.

I was unable to directly post anything since we left to go to New Orleans. Something went weird with my WordPress installation that I couldn’t access for some reason. But I got it fixed tonight. Thank goodness. Well, because, you know, I have all these posts just waiting to be posted!

So I’m kind of back-dating this post, and two others. Just because…

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 6.

9:58 AM: I'm awake. Barely. I'm not feeling that great this morning. I even left myself a note.
9:58 AM: I’m awake. Barely. I’m not feeling that great this morning. I even left myself a note.
10:30 AM: "No Checks". Do people still write checks?
10:30 AM: “No Checks”. Do people still write checks?
10:43 AM: A few supplies were needed before heading to the studio. Speaking of checks, the old lady in front of me at the register wrote one.
10:43 AM: A few supplies were needed before heading to the studio. Speaking of checks, the old lady in front of me at the register wrote one.
12:02 PM: The artwork for one of today's tattoos. A little floral inspiration.
12:02 PM: The artwork for one of today’s tattoos. A little floral inspiration.
3:00 PM: The HVAC unit at the tattoo studio decided to go bonkers while we were traveling, and flooded the attic space, which then flooded the public-facing restroom. It's finally drying up up there. And I'm not to sure what's up with that electric connection now that I look at it... hmm.
3:00 PM: The HVAC unit at the tattoo studio decided to go bonkers while we were traveling, and flooded the attic space, which then flooded the public-facing restroom. It’s finally drying up up there. And I’m not to sure what’s up with that electric connection now that I look at it… hmm.
4:21 PM: Lining and some shading done. A few more sessions to go to complete this piece.
4:21 PM: Lining and some shading done. A few more sessions to go to complete this piece.
7:06 PM: Monkey D. Luffy. I have not watched this particular cartoon series. But it's on a good client who also is a Doctor Who fan, so I may have to give it a try.
7:06 PM: Monkey D. Luffy. I have not watched this particular cartoon series. But it’s on a good client who also is a Doctor Who fan, so I may have to give it a try.
7:39 PM: Sunset at the studio.
7:39 PM: Sunset at the studio.
8:49 PM: I'm not to sure what the Husbear was watching (some show with witches), but milli was having none of it.
8:49 PM: I’m not to sure what the Husbear was watching (some show with witches), but milli was having none of it.
9:01 PM: Luna apparently wasn't too sure either.
9:01 PM: Luna apparently wasn’t too sure either.
10:31 PM: This is her "I need to go potty" face.
10:31 PM: This is her “I need to go potty” face.
11:25 PM: And speaking of faces... Ugh.
11:25 PM: And speaking of faces… Ugh.

Until next time...

Monday, June 8, 2015 at 4:31 pm

Eat the Husbear’s chicks and die… after he quit screaming like a little girl.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/06/11246743_1599199707028294_610305264_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

Eat the Husbear's chicks and die... after he quit screaming like a little girl.
Eat the Husbear’s chicks and die… after he quit screaming like a little girl.

Pic a Day in May: May 28, 2015

Apparently I’m now the one who gets to go get groceries…

This little piggy went there...
This little piggy went there…

How the Hell did that happen?

Jim, formerly of Jim’s Stuff, started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge three years ago. I’ve done it each year, and will continue since that’s all I pretty much post these days. The only other bloggers that I’m aware of who are also doing this are Blobby of Blobby’s Blog and Patrick of Pac’s Pad.

Until next time...

One Year

It’s been one year since the Husbear and I were officially married here in Arkansas.

Which leaves us in confusion on what to call this day.

Yes, it’s an anniversary, but it’s not “the” anniversary. That’s in July. And is what we’ve celebrated for the last 17 years before this new anniversary.

Granted, this day is very important. We legally have protections that we didn’t fully have the 17 years before that. We don’t have to worry about each others family coming in to take things away from the other if something happens to one of us. We’re next of kin if something happens and we end up in the hospital. We had some legal paperwork that helped counter a lot of that, but it could easily be challenged.

Maybe there’s a Hallmark card out there that will help us figure this anniversary out…

Until next time...


One of these bothers me to know end. Can you guess which one?

Something's just not quite right...
Something’s just not quite right…
That's better!
That’s better!

Seriously, that first one annoys me to no end. It feels all lopsided for some reason. And they’re all over the place here since they changed our section of I-540 to I-49. That “right” one was in Louisiana when we were traveling.

And yes, I pulled the car over just to get a picture!

Until next time...

12 of 12, April 2015 Edition

My 40th “12 of 12”! And it’s a Sunday.

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 6. I upgraded! Woo hoo! Now I can take real pictures… 😉

12:06 AM: A little Saturday beveraging with Dwayne and Patrick and some others, which turned into Sunday beveraging...
12:06 AM: A little Saturday beveraging with Dwayne and Patrick and some others, which turned into Sunday beveraging…
2:59 AM: "It's 3 am I must be lonely..." And I must have taken my plugs out too. I'm extra holey that way!
2:59 AM: “It’s 3 am I must be lonely…” And I must have taken my plugs out too. I’m extra holey that way!
10:29 AM: The Husbear made me a BLT for brunch. He must want something...
10:29 AM: The Husbear made me a BLT for brunch. He must want something…
10:33 AM: And it looks all bright outside today.
10:33 AM: And it looks all bright outside today.
11:20 AM: At Tractor Supply picking up a ramp for the truck, and they have chicks out. Hmm...
11:20 AM: At Tractor Supply picking up a ramp for the truck, and they have chicks out. Hmm…
12:40 PM: Unloading the Husbear's new toy. He wouldn't back it out of the truck, so I got to do the honors, while he took pictures. I look like a T-Rex driving a car.
12:40 PM: Unloading the Husbear’s new toy. He wouldn’t back it out of the truck, so I got to do the honors, while he took pictures. I look like a T-Rex driving a car.
12:41 PM: The Husbear got a new toy/tool for the yard. That will keep him out of trouble for a while. Hopefully.
12:41 PM: The Husbear got a new toy/tool for the yard. That will keep him out of trouble for a while. Hopefully.
1:08 PM: Some of the chickens think it's feeding time...
1:08 PM: Some of the chickens think it’s feeding time…
1:08 PM: It's finally spring, and everything is colorful.
1:08 PM: It’s finally spring, and everything is colorful.
4:36 PM:  Well, thank you State of Arkansas for complicating things by not legally recognizing our marriage. Yet. Bastards.
4:36 PM: Well, thank you State of Arkansas for complicating things by not legally recognizing our marriage. Yet. Bastards.
6:52 PM: Yep. Definitely fucking complicated!
6:52 PM: Yep. Definitely fucking complicated!
9:36 PM: Three federal tax returns: one real, two "mock"; and two state returns later, the personal taxes are done.
9:36 PM: Three federal tax returns: one real, two “mock”; and two state returns later, the personal taxes are done.

And your baker’s dozen…

10:58 PM: Apparently Luna had a rough day today...
10:58 PM: Apparently Luna had a rough day today…

And now I’m going to have a drink!

Until next time...