This past Saturday, I managed to talk [She Who Shall Not Be Named, At Her Request] into throwing some color into one of the outlines on my arm.
No, it really doesn’t hurt. I’m just a goofball and I like to make faces for the camera. Getting a tattoo is an interesting and different sensation for everyone. To me it doesn’t hurt. It’s more just an annoying, tingling sensation. Don’t get me wrong—there are some places that remind you that you are alive. But in general it’s not a big deal.
I personally think it’s more the positions one may have to contort themselves that causes pain. Although I guess I should be used to being bent over like that for long periods of time.
Say hello to my purple-headed monster koi…
I intentionally wanted him to look rather phallic. A purple head with pulsating pink and red flesh. Now I can ask people if they’ve seen my purple-headed monster and NOT get slapped. Much.
I actually have video footage from this. I’m just waiting to get it from [She Who Shall Not Be Named, At Her Request] before I can post it. Because I know how much you all love to hear me in action… heh heh.
Updated 2012.04.02
Until next time...