Tag Archives: Husbear

Friday, June 26, 2015 at 10:22 am

I woke up to the best news ever. I love you, my Husbear! It’s hard to believe the day is finally here that our love and relationship will now be recognized in the country where we were born. And only a few days from our 18th anniversary together. #LoveWins

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/06/11424728_1626202190956594_1064610107_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

I woke up to the best news ever. I love you, my Husbear! It's hard to believe the day is finally here that our love and relationship will now be recognized in the country where we were born. And only a few days from our 18th anniversary together.
I woke up to the best news ever. I love you, my Husbear! It’s hard to believe the day is finally here that our love and relationship will now be recognized in the country where we were born. And only a few days from our 18th anniversary together. #LoveWins

Monday, June 8, 2015 at 4:31 pm

Eat the Husbear’s chicks and die… after he quit screaming like a little girl.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/06/11246743_1599199707028294_610305264_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

Eat the Husbear's chicks and die... after he quit screaming like a little girl.
Eat the Husbear’s chicks and die… after he quit screaming like a little girl.

Pic a Day in May: May 20, 2015

So… this made me smile a little:


Who says I don’t have a soft spot somewhere in my heart?

Jim, formerly of Jim’s Stuff, started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge three years ago. I’ve done it each year, and will continue since that’s all I pretty much post these days. The only other bloggers that I’m aware of who are also doing this are Blobby of Blobby’s Blog and Patrick of Pac’s Pad.

Until next time...

Pic a Day in May: May 14, 2015

Getting my hair cut. By the Husbear. I managed to talk him into one between his clients.

In the chair...
In the chair…

It was that, or I told him I was going to shave it all off myself.

Jim, formerly of Jim’s Stuff, started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge three years ago. I’ve done it each year, and will continue since that’s all I pretty much post these days. The only other bloggers that I’m aware of who are also doing this are Blobby of Blobby’s Blog and Patrick of Pac’s Pad.

Until next time...

12 of 12, May 2015 Edition

My 41st “12 of 12”!

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 6.

9:50 AM: Fresh out of the shower. I really, really need to do something with my hair... and tummy. And those SpongeBob slippers.
9:50 AM: Fresh out of the shower. I really, really need to do something with my hair… and tummy. And those SpongeBob slippers.
9:54 AM: What to gird my loins with? I hate it when I can't gird my loins with funny animals.
9:54 AM: What to gird my loins with? I hate it when I can’t gird my loins with funny animals.
10:40 AM: The mother-cluckers are laying!
10:40 AM: The mother-cluckers are laying!
10:54 AM: The Husbear. Being handsome.
10:54 AM: The Husbear. Being handsome.
11:21 PM: The coincidence of the shuffle. One of the songs I play for the Husbear on our anniversary. And as today is our legal wedding anniversary (one year today!), it seems the shuffle knows me.
11:21 PM: The coincidence of the shuffle. One of the songs I play for the Husbear on our anniversary. And as today is our legal wedding anniversary (one year today!), it seems the shuffle knows me.
12:32 PM: Making copies. At Office Depot. Which I despise. But Staples pissed me off today. Not that Office Depot did much better...
12:32 PM: Making copies. At Office Depot. Which I despise. But Staples pissed me off today. Not that Office Depot did much better…
2:28 PM: Working on a final rendering for a tattoo tomorrow.
2:28 PM: Working on a final rendering for a tattoo tomorrow.
4:51 PM: Working on some code that runs on the back-end of the studio website.
4:51 PM: Working on some code that runs on the back-end of the studio website.
8:32 PM: Hung up a couple decorations for the Husbear at his salon. Hopefully I did it right and they don't come crashing down.
8:32 PM: Hung up a couple decorations for the Husbear at his salon. Hopefully I did it right and they don’t come crashing down.
8:57 PM: Stopped at the store for some snacks. And soap. And distilled water.
8:57 PM: Stopped at the store for some snacks. And soap. And distilled water.
9:56 PM: Someone wants back in after lettering her out to go potty. Even though the door isn't actually closed. She just stands there and won't let herself in.
9:56 PM: Someone wants back in after lettering her out to go potty. Even though the door isn’t actually closed. She just stands there and won’t let herself in.
10:42 PM: One little $3 part we're waiting on... as the dirty clothes pile up.
10:42 PM: One little $3 part we’re waiting on… as the dirty clothes pile up.

Until next time...