Tag Archives: YouTube

The Obama’s Do What?

Wow… They do WHAT?

…we also need to be affectionate and you can see that with Barack and Michelle as well. They do a lot of touching, kissing, even fisting with one another. And when they kiss one another—if you notice—they actually look at one another and kiss each other on the lips. And that is so very important because couples really need to feel like they are physically bonded to one another…

Who’d have thought….

From Adult Christianity.

Until next time...

I’d buy that… but what was it?

I’m not sure why I live for stuff like this… maybe it’s the sociologist in me that likes to watch how people react to odd happenings over which they have no “control”.

A tip of the hat to T Town Tommy for this one….

Update: Oh yeah, I’m feeling mostly better. I’m still coughing and snorting, but I feel better than I did last week… mostly.

Until next time...

Video of me…

I finally got those videos from [She Who Shall Not Be Named, At Her Request] inking me back at the end of November.

This is pretty much me. Enjoy! (And my apologies on the sound quality… and the video.)

But wait, there’s more! (Again, my apologies on the quality… and the video.)

Updated 2011.09.16: Moved videos from flickr to Youtube.
Updated 2012.04.02

Until next time...

See What Happens When I’m Ill?

This started out innocent enough.

Dennis over at “Passing Afternoon” tweeted this a couple of days ago:

The Imperial March performed with a recorder and ukulele. http://tinyurl.com/6nrf7v

Imperial March? Of course I had to go watch it! (You should too. It’s worth it. But come back when you’re done….)

After that little gem, I had to go see what else was on that site since it was dedicated to ukulele videos. Then I wandered over to YouTube and did the same.

I present you with some cover “finds”.

A cover of Rehab (by Amy Winehouse):

Those two guys are a band from the UK called The Re-entrants. Their tagline is: “Because Size Isn’t Important”. Funny! You should go check out some of their other stuff. It’s good. But I’m probably biased, because they’re kind of cute to look at.

Then there’s this for all you Britney lovers… Toxic:

And for all you “old skool” video game fans out there, I present… The Super Mario Theme:

I think I now have a thing for the ukulele. I has taken a proud home right under my thing for the banjo and the Tubulum.

Until next time...

“Bears Don’t ‘Woof’…”

I blame bstewart23 of “This. That. No Other.” fame for this post.

It all started innocently enough. I was reading some of his old posts because I was at home ill today, and it seemed like the thing to do. I came across a video he had posted parodying the game “Mystery Date” (worth watching… go check it out… but come back!).

At the end of that video, there were some YouTube suggested videos, where I stumbled upon this, er, piece of work.

Until next time...