12 of 12, April 2018 edition

I’m still alive… more or less!

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up by a number of random bloggers who linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 Challenge in December 2011, but passed the torch to someone who hasn’t kept up with it. I am giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who initially inspired me to do the Challenge, and he still does it as well.

This is my 76th “12 of 12.” A Thursday.

8:36 AM: Morning with the pups. At least my morning. The Husbear feeds them when he gets up at 5:30.
9:58 AM: When you have to rebuild your computer, and iTunes just sits there not wanting to cooperate afterwards.
11:00 AM: At el banco. A somewhat daily ritual for the businesses.
12:24 PM: What seems like a good idea, until your beard makes printed shirts look like you’re wearing a tie.
1:07 PM: Nice weather here for a day, so opening the doors to let some fresh air into the studio.
1:49 PM: Room prepped for my next client.
2:31 PM: Had to run home between appointments to let the puppy out, and all they want to do is lay there.
3:16 PM: I’m not sure if this diet change is going to kill me, or the reason I have to go on the diet change.
4:21 PM: I think I want this as a tattoo.
6:02 PM: Starting on a tattoo on a buddy.
7:17 PM: And… done.
9:43 PM: milli supervising by holding down the paperwork.

Until next time...

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