Monthly Archives: October 2008

Husband Meme

Absconded from Mike, who stole it from Chris.

What is his name? “The Husbear”, but in reality it is “Robert”.

Who eats more? He does, for sure. I “eat like a bird”—whatever that means. I’m not much on worms though.

Who said I love you first? He did.

Who is taller? I am—at 5′ 10″. He’s about 5′ 8″ or slightly less.

Who drives most when you are together? I do. I think I can count the times in the last 11 years when he has driven.

Who’s more sensitive? He is, as I have no heart.

Who does the laundry? He does most of the time. But he still has not learned to fold towels quiet the correct way.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? The Husbear does. It’s closer to the door. Which probably sounds stupid, but he’s my safety blanket if someone burgles the house.

Who pays the bills? Our accounts are combined, but I do all the actual paperwork.

Who cooks more? He does. I don’t. Unless it can be thrown in the microwave… and is a hot dog.

Who is more stubborn? I would have to say he is.

Who is the first to admit they are wrong? Neither of us are. But I do tend to apologize for things I do a lot.

Who has more siblings? I do at three. The Husbear has two.

Who wears the pants? We both do…

What do you like to do together? Working around the house and the yard.

Who eats more sweets? He does for the most part.

Guilty pleasures? Why are pleasures always guilty? See, that’s me avoiding the real answer.

How did you meet? On AOL. We talked for about one month before we actually met in real life.

Who asked whom out first? I don’t remember, but knowing the Husbear, he probably did.

Who kissed first? I think it was mutual… but he started it. He always does.

Who proposed? We have matching bands, but there has been no ceremony as of yet. Not that that really answered the question.

His best features and qualities? He’s my dork. And he sets goals and gets them done… which I have a hard time doing (setting goals, that is).

Until next time...


Consider this a Public Service Announcement from yours truly.

While I appreciate that you have ink, there are just some things you should NOT do.

This would be one of them:

The first thought that went through my head when I saw this picture was—in my best GIR voice—”Why do you have a pineapple shoved in your ass-crack?”

I’m assuming this one started out as a little tramp stamp, and then kept being added to over time… I’m assuming.

To any readers who do have tramp stamps—please take no offense. This is totally my hang-up. Maybe one day it won’t bother me as much… maybe. I just have this thing about tramp stamps. They do not look good on a guy. (Hell—I don’t even like them on women.)

Your back is the largest piece of open canvas you have for ink, and you go and put a little tribal (or celtic) tramp stamp on it. It’s like putting a teeny, tiny armband on a guy with giant, tree-trunk arms. It doesn’t look right!

And it’s not a target to shoot your man-seed on while doing it doggy style.

Please people! Think before you get ink!

Oh, and the Husbear thought that one looked like a visible wet fart….

Until next time...

An Exposition on the hanging of Toilet Paper

Some comments in my previous post made me realize something: humans are very peculiar about which way their toilet paper unrolls!

Call this an informal survey in my pursuit of less-than-trivial knowledge.

(from toothpaste for dinner)

Are you a behind-the-roll or over-the-roll person? And more importantly (for me)—why?

Update, 10/11/2008: It appears that most people are “over-the-roll”-ers. But for no particular reason. It must be something buried deep in the human psyche….]

Until next time...

On my knees…

…in front of the porcelain throne.

You perverts. I know what you were hoping you would see. Instead I present you with this:

This was me. Sunday night. After just a couple hours of drinking. With my Buddy.

According to the Husbear I spent a few hours puking me brains out. He was kind enough to bring me that blanket. Oh… and to take pictures of me.

And he made me post this.

I have a strange memory of sneezing a slice of onion out of my nose afterward. Thought I’d share that with you.

Until next time...