Monthly Archives: December 2011

Death of a Snowman

Sorry my posts have been so… empty of filler as of late. I’m just not a holiday person. And the season has started to wear me out.

But I do like this.

YouTube link

Bill Watterson’s “Calvin & Hobbes” is my favorite comic strip of all time. Which might explain that one tattoo I have. So far.

But whenever I think of snowmen, my mind immediately conjures up the images from Calvin & Hobbes.

Until next time...

Optimus Prime really was a jerk

I remember wanting a friend like this when I was a kid. Actually, I still would like a friend like this. He just needs to be less of a dick though, like Cliffjumper.

YouTube link

I have no idea who James Struthers, the singer of this song, is. But I seriously want the Optimus costume.

Stick around to the end of the video. I laughed.

Found on neatorama.

Until next time...