52 days until I get to see The B-52s in concert!
This is the first track on the 1992 album “Good Stuff”. This album sees the departure of Cindy Wilson from the band on a sabbatical, and I think the lack of the typically awesome female melodies shows.
But I still think there are quite a few great songs on it. Especially “Tell It Like It T-I-IS”:
Until next time...
They were SO good here in Tucson. My friend was there and introduced me to the guy who runs the Rialto theater. I knew I should have found her afterwards because the next day she posted photos backstage with the B52s! She totally got to meet them!! It didn’t really matter. Ray’s mother died that day (he was in LA and missed the concert). I was kinda sad anyway.
I’m sad to hear about Ray’s mother. Hugs to you both.
Hopefully you’ll be able to get to see them again soon. And take Ray with you to enjoy the show!
I like Good Stuff, dreamland, and the earth’s green laughter. Oh and hot pants!