Category Archives: Ponderings

March 13, 2002

Well, seems like I’ve gotten rather lax in maintaining these pages as of late. With the salon, and my also working back at Wal-Mart again (building and fixing computers!), spare time has pretty much disappeared. Really though, not much is going on other than our basic day-to-day living. We just got through over-hauling the salon, remodeling and repainting the inside; and we’re getting ready to work on the outside.

Until next time...

December 02, 2001

After not making any updates for a while, I guess this one is way past due. I guess the biggest news is that I am back in the employ of Wal-Mart. I’m still helping to run the salon (although I have turned most of it over to the Husbear to run), and I am still doing massages at night after I get off from Wal-Mart. The biggest reason I did it was because I wasn’t feeling “mentally” challenged anymore. Plus, it helps having an extra paycheck.

Until next time...