Friday, March 27, 2015 at 8:19 am

Fun piece from yesterday. I really need to get better about posting more work on here…

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Fun piece from yesterday. I really need to get better about posting more work on here...
Fun piece from yesterday. I really need to get better about posting more work on here…

14 thoughts on “Fun piece from yesterday. I really need to get better about posting more work on here…

    1. @_lawaine_ Thank you for allowing me to tattoo you! And I had a thought for the background. Google “trash polka” and check out some of those styles.

  1. Erik – if you are not breaking ‘doctor-patient’ confidentiality – I would enjoy hearing the story behind the tattoos you do. Why this one? what does it mean to the person?
    I was trained to look on my patients for tattoos, and if they were visible, to ask about them “tattoos are a window into their souls’ my teacher told us.

    1. There’s not any doctor/patient type confidentiality, at least yet. Some people tell me the stories behind their tattoos, and some don’t. I don’t always ask either though. I feel if they want to tell me, then they can.

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