Husbear Update

A couple people have asked as of late how the Husbear is doing, and I’ve been negligent on providing updates. Thank you for asking!

The Husbear has recovered/ing remarkably well. He’s back at the gym and on the treadmill regularly. He still gets swelling in his right leg on occasion, usually from standing on it all day at work, but nothing like the previous swelling. And he still has a large “dent” in this leg where the muscle was crushed, which will probably take years to repair itself, if ever.

And the gray hair he’s given me from this incident is coming in nicely… 😉

Until next time...

7 thoughts on “Husbear Update

  1. Thank you for the update….I am glad Husbear is mending nicely…Yes, it’s in those difficult times that true character shines…You are shining bright…Thanks for your caring hand…We can take care of that gray hair ya know….Just sayin…..

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