What? You were expecting a picture of something else?
That’s about as creative as I get at the moment.
I’ve been feeling rather anti-social lately. On top of that, I’ve found myself dwelling in my mental “dark place” as well.
It’s a difficult place to come out of so you can work around people and be creative all day.
Hell, I haven’t even been on Twitter or Facebook that much. Which is really saying something, considering those are my “regular” social outlets.
Until next time...
Hey Erik.. I do understand your post. Go there now and then my self. Call/email me sometime and we’ll grab a drink or something.
Chat soon
Yes, you certainly are “touched”.
Just remember your most devoted fan (me!) is merely an email, text, or call away.
Well, I did ride the short bus….
And thank you. You also forgot “a tweet” away. 😉
I’ll touch you somewhere else if you like! Or if your husbear allows me to….
Yes, and yes. 😉
I think a lot of folks, including myself, are heading towards that dark place. I can’t wait until January.
The Winter Blues. The Holiday Blues. The cold. The shorter days and longer nights. Ugh.
Take time with no expectation, let go of outcomes. Just be. And the darkness gets lighter, sometimes.
can I touch you too? You are passing up a fine proposition, where I touch healing ensues.
I’m all about getting a healing touch….