Tuesday, December 4, 2018 at 3:24 pm
Not how I intended to spend my day. Extreme dizziness, blood pressure bouncing all over the place, nausea, blurry vision.
[igp-video src=”” poster=”https://scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/b7d640053d0ed2d72d81bedafd16352f/5C90378F/t51.2885-15/e35/45799023_2287798821454057_5864608874757839423_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.cdninstagram.com” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]
Dude that ain’t cool. Get to feeling better
@wshollywood thank you. They’re working on it
Oh no! Get better soon. Sending all the virtual hugs I can x
Boo! Hiss! – rest up mate ️
Ah no buddy, sending the biggest of hugs your way, hope all will be ok
Hope all is good with you. Sending warm hugs.
Feel better, buddy. Huge hugs
Keep us posted
Sending you lots of healing love!
I had the same symptoms earlier today. Mike and I just got back from the dr about an hour ago. Feel better
Oh no! Hope you feel better!
But you look good
I hope you have a quick recovery!
Yipes.. Hope you are soon sorted..
Xoxo. Feel better soon.
Keeping you over night?
Sending some good vibes across the ocean to you. Xx
Sending you some good vibes, buddy! 🏼
Feel better soon. Glad you’re being taken care of.
Noooooo, sending all the healthy vibes your way boss man 🖤
Love you, boss! Feel better soon. Lllllllaaammmaaa
Big hugs to you
Getting older sucks! Sending good vibes your way!
You’re too young for all that, feel better soon!!
Hope you’re ok.
Hope you feel better soon bub..hugs to ya
Love and light and good meds Xx
Keeping fingers crossed. Hope everything is okay! Feel better soon.