Pic a Day in May: Day 1

Jim of Jim’s Stuff has started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge. So I thought I’d go ahead and give it a shot. It’s not like I can really think of anything to blog about these days anyway. So we’ll go with my life in pictures. There’s that whole “a picture is worth a thousand words” thing anyway, so that just means I need to write less. 😉

Today is Tuesday. It’s the last of my days off this week. Which for me means cleaning up the mess I made outside from this weekend’s construction activities.

Here’s a panoramic view from the center of the parking area/driveway at the house. (Click to see the full size picture.)

As you can see, nature is quite colorful here in Pea Ridge, Arkansas at the moment. Things are blooming and growing and being all pretty.

My sawhorses are still there in the yard. We don’t have a garage, so I have to work outside when I have a project. Which is sometimes okay. Unless it’s raining. There’s some trash bags and scrap MDF lying around as well that all needs to be disposed of.

You can see some remnants of the Husbear’s projects as well: concrete & mortar bags for the terraced walls in the yard, and compost for the landscaping.

One of these days we might be done with all these goings on so we can actually “enjoy” it.

Taken with 360 Panorama on my iPhone 3GS.

Until next time...

12 thoughts on “Pic a Day in May: Day 1

  1. I did a yard shot for my Pic a Day in May… tried mine with 3D effect, but it did not look so 3D… oh well…on to day two

    1. It only looks like a double-wide outhouse. It’s actually the wellhouse.

      And as for the car…. Well, let’s just say some things are hard to let go of. At least it’s not up on blocks. 😉

    1. It’s actually the wellhouse. It contains the well, the diaphragm tank, and the water storage tanks. If *only* there was room for a gloryhole….

  2. “Hopefully I can keep this up all month.”

    Actually, I think if it lasts more than four hours you are supposed to seek medical attention promptly.

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