Tag Archives: A Trip Around The Sun

Anniversaries, Birthdays, and other things that happen once a year or so.

The Big 4-0

Today… I’m 40.

It's easier to blow them out when there's only two of them...
It’s easier to blow them out when there’s only two of them…

I don’t feel like 40. Not that I know what 40 is *supposed* to feel like.

My only reference of what 40 is supposed to feel like is the mental picture I have of the not-biologicals when I was a youngling. And I definitely don’t feel like that. And I sure as hell don’t think I look like that either.

Birthday Selfie, post-shower.
Birthday Selfie, post-shower.

And I have lost count of how often I get told to grow up. That’s a good sign that I’m still youthful, right?

There are times I catch myself pondering deep thoughts that I think are things other people hitting 40 must ponder. Or I am assuming that’s what other people turning 40 must think. Like how the hell did 40 get here so fast?

Truth be told: it’s just another day. I know one day I won’t have another day. So I’m just glad for this one. I plan to soak up and savor the hours I have with those around me.

And of course, have a beverage or two.

Until next time...


Pre-Forty Dinner, that is.

So, today, Sunday, is the last full day of my 39th year.

The Husbear attempted to “surprise” me with having my best friends over for dinner and a celebration. Which somewhat succeeded. In the surprise part. In the way I didn’t know about it. 😉

40. I don't know that I like that number....
40. I don’t know that I like that number….

But I blew out the candles regardless.

I had a great evening with my besties: Mike, Dwayne, MAG, GypsyBiscuit, the Husbear, our oldest daughter and her husband.

Much food and alcohol was had. And then some Cards Against Humanity as well…

GypsyBiscuit, Dwayne, and the Son-in-Law...
GypsyBiscuit, Dwayne, and the Son-in-Law…
MAG and Mike...
MAG and Mike…
The Son-in-Law, the oldest daughter, the Husbear, and MAG...
The Son-in-Law, the oldest daughter, the Husbear, and MAG…
The most evil card game on the planet. And the most scratched up table...
The most evil card game on the planet. And the most scratched up table…

I received the most excellent present ever. Ever.

Doctor Who Chucks!
Doctor Who Chucks!

Seriously. The best present ever!!!!

I love my besties. So very much. And I’m glad they took time out of their schedules to come spend some time with me.

And now I’m drunk. Because alcohol was gifted and drank.

Tomorrow shall be interesting….

Until next time...

Pic a Day in May: Day 4 (The Husbear’s Birthday Edition)

Jim of Jim’s Stuff started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge last year. I did it last year, and felt like I’d do it again this year.

Day 4 is a special day: It’s the Husbear’s 49th birthday!


The Husbear decided for his birthday he wanted to go to Dallas to the clubs to dance, and then a brief road-trip around east Texas. So that’s where we are headed now.

Happy birthday to my wonderful Husbear. Even though there have been times over these past few years I want to smother you in your sleep with a pillow, I love you so much.

Just keep one eye open when you sleep… 😉

Until next time...

And… we’re back.

Actually, we’ve been back since late Thursday evening. But there was laundry and paperwork and other stuffs to do. Then playing catch up on blog reading. Then work Friday. Then playing catch up on blog reading. And work today (today being Saturday). And then there was the unplanned visit from my parental units. And then there was me trying to figure out how to import the photos I posted/post on my phone to Instagram to post to my blog. Then playing catch up on blog reading. And then there was me writing this post. Finally.

The Husbear and I drove a total of 2,070 miles from here through east and south Texas and back again. Actually, I drove. He was Ms. Daisy. That’s how we do. We pretty much went from here, to Dallas, to Galveston, to Padre Island/Corpus Christi, back to Galveston, then back home. It was a nice little anniversary get-away. And something we needed. “Us” time. If you scroll back through the posts on my blog, you’ll see some of the pictures I posted via Instagram. Or you can click that link I just posted. See, I’m not entirely lazy.

Back to that parental units thing I mentioned previously. Some of you on Facebook probably saw this status update on Wednesday, July 4:

Nice. Mom called. Her and dad are 2 hours away from Pea Ridge and wanted a surprise visit–only their third visit from Florida in the 20 years I’ve lived in Arkansas. Surprise! I’m vacationing 16 hours away in south Texas.

Funny how that works.

But alas, the parental units managed a visit today for about 3 hours, on their way back home to Florida from some antique auction in Missouri.

After which I posted this update today (Saturday):

My parental units just left, then the temperature just dropped from near 100 down to 74. And for the first time ever they didn’t bring up their issues with me being gay. Hell just froze over apparently.

The temperature actually did drop here. A storm–the first rain we’ve had in a month–rolled through the area.

I was dreading their visit. There’s usually some sort of verbal confrontation that occurs when we’re alone together. This time that didn’t happen.

Which has left me pondering….

But now I’m tired, and going to bed. It’s been a long day.

Until next time...

15 Years

It’s been 15 years since we first met. And it’s been an interesting 15 years. I never thought I would find someone to share my life with, and especially for such a time as this. I never imagined having a home like we do, or owning our own businesses. Or running around the country like we’re doing this weekend.

I love you so much, my Husbear. More than I tend to express. I look forward to spending the rest of my years with you.

Until next time...