Tag Archives: A Trip Around The Sun

Anniversaries, Birthdays, and other things that happen once a year or so.


And so, it begins….

Arkansas Highway 39

The start of my last year in my third decade on this planet. Or something like that.

There’s probably some mandatory time of reflection or something-or-another that I’m supposed to do. But I didn’t get that handbook. This post is probably about as reflective-ey as I get.

I never really understood or grasped the concept of celebrating my birthday. I don’t even know that I did as a child. It’s like I’m celebrating the fact that I’m still alive after another year. Which is a little morbid if you really think about it. And probably a little morbid of me as a child for thinking like that. If we didn’t have calenders, would we even celebrate such things? I guess humans just like a tidy way to deal with cycles.

Or maybe I’m just that mental.

It’s another day. A day that follows the previous day. Just like the 14,244 days before today since I was exuded from some unknown vaginal cavity. Another day of doing the same things I do daily: breath, eat, drink, pee, poop, do random stuff, sleep. Not necessarily in that order. And not necessarily with commas separating.

Oddly enough, the only thing I’m really concerned with is the fact that my drivers license expired today! And I won’t be able to renew it until Monday. That should make for an exciting gift to myself: a day at the DMV. Yes, I could have renewed it sooner, but life has been busy. Or so that’s my excuse.

Just lil’ ol’ me…

Have a day, y’all! It’s what I plan to do. Just like every day that I wake up. Which hopefully I’ll do, after I go to bed once I hit “Publish” on this post.

Oh, and a “Happy Father’s Day” to you dads out there!

Until next time...

Pic a Day in May: Day 4 (The Birthday Edition)

Jim of Jim’s Stuff has started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge. So I thought I’d go ahead and give it a shot. It’s not like I can really think of anything to blog about these days anyway. So we’ll go with my life in pictures. There’s that whole “a picture is worth a thousand words” thing anyway, so that just means I need to write less. 😉

I’m *technically* posting this picture early, but it’s my blog and I’ll do what I want.

Today, May 4, is the Husbear’s birthday.

I left this on his station at his salon last night/tonight for him to find on his birthday tomorrow/today (see, isn’t time confusing?):

We really don’t do a lot for each other for birthdays. Usually just little things like this. It’s just something we’ve always done.

If you’d like, drop him a note on Facebook. I’m sure he’d appreciate it!

Happy birthday, Husbear! I love you so much.

Other bloggers that I know of who are playing along:
Jim of Jim’s Stuff
Sean of Idle Eyes and a Dormy
Kelly of Rambling along in life…
Sean of Just a Jeep Guy

Until next time...

Burning… Bridges


Today is the father-unit’s birthday. It’s his 70th. I think.

It’s been almost 4 years since the accusation occurred, and I still haven’t gotten over it. I haven’t called him on his birthday since then, and I think I’ve only sent one card as well.

I’m not really sure where I was going with this. That’s what this situation does to my brain.


On a happier note, yesterday I was able to go to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art with Sandy of The Banal Chew, the fabulous GypsyBiscuit, and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-Just-Because. A nice time was had by all.

For some reason I only took a few pictures, none of which Sandy happened to be in. 🙁

But here’s the ones I took.

Pamphlets lying around. I re-arranged them. And I laughed. Because I’m 12 years old.

I tried a Salted Caramel Latte. Not a fan. But the top of it was pretty.

It was a pretty day. The sun was shining and it was slightly warm out.

The fabulous GypsyBiscuit. With her cooking t-shirt of awesomeness.

And now that I’ve written this post, I think I know exactly which “family” is really important to me.

Until next time...

14 Years Ago Today

Happy 14th Anniversary, Husbear.
It’s difficult to believe it’s been fourteen years.
Mostly because it hasn’t felt like fourteen years.
I know that love takes work.
And time.
A lifetime, to be exact.

I love you so much.

Press play on the video, then scroll down and read along.

I was walking, was living,
My melody was a capella.
There’s a beat I was missing,
No tune, or a scale, I could play.

No sound in the distance,
No orchestra playing together.
Like a boat out to sea,
The silence was too deafening!

So come and revive me,
I can’t feel my heartbeat,
It’s just me surviving alone.


Before you,
My whole life was a capella!
Now a symphony’s
The only song to sing.
Before you,
My whole life was a capella!
Now a symphony’s
The only song to sing.

Everything was the same.
One color was just like the others.
An assembly routine,
My memories were all black and white.

‘Till I stopped over-thinking,
Decided to draw back the curtains.
And I cleared all the cobwebs
And began to let in the light.


So come and revive me,
I can’t feel my heartbeat,
It’s just me surviving alone.

Before you,
My whole life was a capella!
Now a symphony’s
The only song to sing.
Before you,
My whole life was a capella!
Now a symphony’s
The only song to sing.

You are the drum in my heart beat
Bass and guitar lead
Stuck on the notes you play
My heart that you play on
Grab like a crayon
I can’t walk away.

Before you,
My whole life was a capella!
Now a symphony’s
The only song to sing.
Before you,
My whole life was a capella!
Now a symphony’s
The only song to sing.

Here’s the original song the above was taken from. I actually like the visuals in the video. They’re very much something you would like.

I do love you. So much.
Happy anniversary baby.

Until next time...


I have now outlived Vincent van Gogh who died from a self-inflicted gun shot wound at the age of 37. I only know that because it was talked about on the Doctor Who episode I just watched (“Vincent and the Doctor“). Now if only I could paint something even remotely as beautiful as he did, like “The Pandorica Opens”, also known as “Blue Box Exploding”:

It’s not a real van Gogh painting, but it was a plot piece painted by “van Gogh” in a later Doctor Who episode. And it is very van Gogh-ish. And I love me some Doctor Who.

I have also outlived the great Michael Hutchence, who also took his own life at the age of 37. Michael was the lead singer for the band INXS, which is one of my favorite bands of all time.

Michael had a voice that was unique. He also had charisma and sexiness oozing out of every pore on his body. If I ever had entertained the thought of being a singer or sexy public figure, I would have wanted to have been like him.

Yesterday was the last full day of my thirty-seventh orbit around the Sun. Today, June 17, I turn thirty-eight.

It’s been a year. I don’t know that there was anything particularly spectacular or great about my year, but it was a year nonetheless. I slept, I ate, I drew, I tattooed, I drank, I had sex on occasion, I spent some time with friends, I read some blogs, I watched some shows, I sat at a computer. Rinse, lather, repeat. I was stressed, I was sad, I was happy, I was melancholy, I felt hurt, I was meh. Rinse, lather, repeat. That’s pretty much sums up year 37. Maybe year 38 will somehow be more spectacular than year 37 was? Or maybe it will be the same?

I leave you with INXS performing “The Strangest Party (These Are The Times)”. Watch Michael exude sexiness. RIP.

Until next time...