Tag Archives: Chucks

Posts containing pictures of me in my Chucks.

Texas Toasted

This past weekend the Husbear and I headed to Dallas for TBRU.

I won’t say I had a bad time. But I don’t know that I had a great time. Overall I just had a “meh” time. Which seems to be par for the course for me at events like this.

I did get to see friends. Which is always great. But I didn’t get to see or spend time with all the friends I wanted to. Which is “meh”.

Add to that I didn’t feel great the entire time. I still don’t. I’m sure the alcohol I ingested didn’t help matters much either. I probably should have avoided that. But it helps me deal with crowds. Again with the “meh”.

I did realize one thing: I think my camera sucks. My iPhone camera, that is. Most of the pictures I took ended up being crap. Maybe not total crap. But crappy enough that it makes me look like I took them with schmutz on the lens. Which there could have possibly been.

Anyway, I leave you with a photo review of the weekend!

Thursday Night:



Friday Bear Dance:




Saturday Hospitality:


Sunday Brunch:




Monday Journeys:






Until next time...

The shoes command me…

… or at least they know my commands.

I received these custom Chucks for Yaksmas.


Funny story about them. At least one that I think is funny. One that gives an entirely new meaning to sneakernet.

The “D0NTPAN1C” stitched into the back of them? That *was* my master password. Well, kind of. It was the one I had set up so the Husbear could access my information if I got hit by a bus. (Apparently, he is unaware of case-sensitivity when it comes to passwords.) But I changed the password anyway.

Next time I’ll just seal the password in an envelope and not actually tell him what the password is.

Until next time...

13 on 13

So I’m doing my very first “12 of 12”. But on the 13th. Since it’s a Friday the 13th. And since I tend to be contrary like that.

13 pictures taken on the 13th of the month. All pictures were taken with my iPhone. Click the images to enlarge, if you dare!

Created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then link back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, so I linked to Blobby’s Blog as Blobby is the one who inspired me to do it.

10:01 AM: Brush, brush, brush. Brush, brush, brush.

10:02 AM: µ probably wonders why us pink-skins put on clothing. Actually, she probably wants me to hurry up and put my clothes on!

10:21AM: Suiting up. My feet. Which reminds me, I need to tell a humorous story about this pair of Chucks.

10:30 AM: Essential head gear for the 20 degree weather we’re having today. Not a fan of the cold. Ever. And we still have snow on the ground from the dusting we received the day before.

10:42 AM: Returning a disc back to Netflix. A Doctor Who episode or two. I may or may not be making “archival backups”. Just in case. I really need to buy every episode made, which hopefully I can do one day when I’m rich.

11:34 AM: Preparing my room at the studio for the day. All cleaned and mopped.

11:39 AM: Making tattoo care instruction sheets. Because it’s important.

2:59 PM: Got my hair cut. Again. So much maintenance these things are.

7:18 PM: A quick snack between tattoos.

9:57 PM: Leaving the studio for the night.

10:24 PM: The product I ordered December 8, 2011 FINALLY came in the mail today. Over one month after I ordered it. I definitely don’t recommend ordering anything from Pet Street Mall if you’re in a rush.

10:27 PM: Dinner. The Husbear made some chili.

10:39 PM: My entertainment unit/work space. This is pretty much where I park my butt at night once I get home. The Husbear is usually in bed already. And I usually have tattoos to draw, paperwork to work, blogs to read, and Doctor Who episodes to watch.

Bonus: 10:49 PM: Someone got a Friday the 13th tattoo today!

Until next time...