Tag Archives: Fauna

Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 11:09 pm

I’m not sure why milli has suddenly become interested in my beard, but I think she’s chewing on it.

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/07/11236339_1068428906515807_558835150_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

I'm not sure why milli has suddenly become interested in my beard, but I think she's chewing on it.
I’m not sure why milli has suddenly become interested in my beard, but I think she’s chewing on it. #fauna

Venomness, Update.

Luna is home. Our vet let the Husbear bring her home today.

Both the Husbear and Luna were happy to see each other. And I was happy because the Husbear wasn’t all twitterpated any more.

Luna even had kisses for me when I got home. That, or I had something in my beard.

Leftovers in my beard...
Leftovers in my beard…

She has a little necrosis going on where the snake bit her, but the vet wasn’t overly concerned with it. She said dogs tend to recover fairly well in these cases.

The aftermath.
The aftermath.

We just have to keep feeding her the medications and monitor her foot. But she does seem to be almost back to her not yet old self.

Until next time...


We had a wee bit of an incident this Sunday. Well, the Husbear’s doggy, Luna, did.

The Husbear was working out in the yard, and I was working on the barn, when we heard Luna start barking at something. We keep her on a runner when we are out in the yard, and she was in the bushes barking at something. It wasn’t the normal bark, but one that made both the Husbear and I know something was up and we ran over to check on her.

We pulled her out, and she was favoring her front left paw, and was shaking a little. Then she just flopped over and started panting.

We knew something was up. We tried to get her up to walk into the house, but she wouldn’t. I picked her 50# self up and carried her into the house. Robert called our vet, but since it was a Sunday, the answering service told us to go to an emergency vet located about 25 minutes south of us. Ugh.

We never saw it, but we both know the signs of a copperhead snake bite. We couldn’t see bite marks on the paw she was favoring, but it was starting to swell. And she was lethargic. She didn’t even move when milli (one of the kittehs) walked right up to her and sniffed her nose.

So the Husbear and I get Luna in the car, and he’s sitting with her in the back, while I’m driving like a madman. Apparently no ones knows what emergency flashers mean on a car anymore, because there were several times people wouldn’t even get out of the fast lane so we could go around. *grumble*

We finally get the emergency vet, and they get her in right away. By now, her paw and lower leg have swollen to about twice their normal size. She’s just occasionally whimpering, but we could tell she was in pain.

The emergency vet started her on an IV flush to help work things out of her system, and started her on morphine as well for the pain. They said they could administer an antivenin, but it typically wasn’t necessary unless she had been bitten in the face, and it was very costly. They did wanted to keep her overnight to continue the IV flush and antibiotic treatments and monitor her health. So we left her there.

We called several times that night to check on her. The swelling was continuing up her leg, but they felt that she was at least stable. They noted some necrosis had started around the bite (which they found between her toes), and were continuing to clean the area as they could.

The Husbear picked her up early Monday morning, and took her to our vet here in Pea Ridge. They wanted to keep her for the day and overnight, for more monitoring and continued flushing of her systems.

We’ll know more in the morning.


Until next time...

12 of 12, July 2015 Edition

My 43rd “12 of 12!”

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 6.

12:12 AM: Someone likes me feet. And shoes.
12:12 AM: Someone likes me feet. And shoes.
10:57 AM: The Husbear, mowing the lawn. It's a two day affair.
10:57 AM: The Husbear, mowing the lawn. It’s a two day affair.
11:01 AM: Adding in a lighting surge suppressor/arrester at the NID. Last Thursday night, lightning once again hit the house, and blew out a bunch of electronics. *ugh*
11:01 AM: Adding in a lighting surge suppressor/arrester at the NID. Last Thursday night, lightning once again hit the house, and blew out a bunch of electronics. *ugh*
11:32 AM: milli sunning herself in the laundry room.
11:32 AM: milli sunning herself in the laundry room.
12:25 PM: Post-shower bathroom selfie. Covering up my jiggly bits.
12:25 PM: Post-shower bathroom selfie. Covering up my jiggly bits.
12:45 PM: Getting a sweet tea at my local watering hole... Sonic!
12:45 PM: Getting a sweet tea at my local watering hole… Sonic!
5:03 PM: I had a tattoo appointment that I scheduled for today. We aren't quite finished, but this is where we got today.
5:03 PM: I had a tattoo appointment that I scheduled for today. We aren’t quite finished, but this is where we got today.
5:13 PM: Some of today's colors...
5:13 PM: Some of today’s colors…
5:35 PM: The Husbear sent me to the store for a strange item. And here I just thought it was an insult.
5:35 PM: The Husbear sent me to the store for a strange item. And here I just thought it was an insult.
6:14 PM: What is it with kittehs and boxes?
6:14 PM: What is it with kittehs and boxes?
6:39 PM: The Husbear sitting down for dinner. We eat on the couch. Maybe it's a Southern thing?
6:39 PM: The Husbear sitting down for dinner. We eat on the couch. Maybe it’s a Southern thing?
8:04 PM: One of the tomato patches. We've gotten a few already, and they're tasty!
8:04 PM: One of the tomato patches. We’ve gotten a few already, and they’re tasty!
Baker's Dozen: 10:27 PM: The dead electronics from the past Thursday. The insurance company will be getting a phone call tomorrow.
Baker’s Dozen: 10:27 PM: The dead electronics from the past Thursday. The insurance company will be getting a phone call tomorrow.

Until next time...

Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 12:21 am

The dog has taken to burying herself under the pillows… #fauna

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/07/11352694_1632426636998329_575559189_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

The dog has taken to burying herself under the pillows...
The dog has taken to burying herself under the pillows… #fauna