Tag Archives: Fauna

Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 10:59 pm

You’d think she was the one who took the Vicodin…

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/03/11008085_524550234351893_1801626986_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

You'd think she was the one who took the Vicodin...
You’d think she was the one who took the Vicodin…

Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 2:19 am

What—and how—the Hell, milli?

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/03/11005235_1616084188621523_273273924_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

What—and how—the Hell, milli?
What—and how—the Hell, milli?

Friday, February 27, 2015 at 12:09 am

“Food Provider, step away from the computer and pay attention to me.”

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/02/10979723_1400927783549641_436125591_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

“Food Provider, step away from the computer and pay attention to me.”

Monday, February 16, 2015 at 4:41 pm

All I want to do is lay on the couch and watch some television… #notadogperson

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/02/10948762_806501572757690_1159284433_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

All I want to do is lay on the couch and watch some television...
All I want to do is lay on the couch and watch some television… #notadogperson

12 of 12, February 2015 Edition

My 38th “12 of 12”. It’s Thursday.

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 5.

9:37 AM: m (milli) waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Because she probably wants something.
9:37 AM: m (milli) waiting for me at the top of the stairs. Because she probably wants something.
10:24 AM: Waiting in line at Sonic for my tea and burger. This is the second day in a row the line has been long and slow. Not sure what's up with that.
10:24 AM: Waiting in line at Sonic for my tea and burger. This is the second day in a row the line has been long and slow. Not sure what’s up with that.
11:17 AM: New drafting tables and space for each of us at the studio. Part of the latest remodel.
11:17 AM: New drafting tables and space for each of us at the studio. Part of the latest remodel.
1:27 PM: My first tattoo of the day. A small hawk.
1:27 PM: My first tattoo of the day. A small hawk.
2:53 PM: Concept rendering for a tattoo on Saturday.
2:53 PM: Concept rendering for a tattoo on Saturday.
6:51 PM: Fun little "watercolor"-style tattoo on another client.
6:51 PM: Fun little “watercolor”-style tattoo on another client.
7:36 PM: The Husbear left me a note in my office.
7:36 PM: The Husbear left me a note in my office.
8:56 PM: Fun times at the Neighborhood Market.
8:56 PM: Fun times at the Neighborhood Market.
9:11 PM: The Husbear left me bacon!
9:11 PM: The Husbear left me bacon!
9:26 PM: Tucking the Husbear into bed for the night. He goes to bed a few hours earlier than I do. And gets up a few hours before.
9:26 PM: Tucking the Husbear into bed for the night. He goes to bed a few hours earlier than I do. And gets up a few hours before.
9:30 PM: Fire keeping the house warm. Because it's currently 26°F out at the moment.
9:30 PM: Fire keeping the house warm. Because it’s currently 26°F out at the moment.
9:47 PM: Luna relaxing on the couch. Because she thinks she's a cat, apparently?
9:47 PM: Luna relaxing on the couch. Because she thinks she’s a cat, apparently?
Baker's Dozen: 10:17 PM: I hate our Internet connection. Damn you CenturyLink!
Baker’s Dozen: 10:17 PM: I hate our Internet connection. Damn you CenturyLink!

Until next time...