He’s a cutie. Pretty eyes. Nice face. The beard. He kind of reminds me of younger Riker with a beard, and older Bruce Willis. But shorter. Much shorter.
Besides being an funny voice actor with shows such as Archer, he’s also had a funny show called “Jon Benjamin Has a Van”. Which I started watching on Netflix the other night.
My brain is now a little more warped.
I swear the order of those screen captures was purely coincidental.
Sean was one of the DJs at a party I was at in Dallas this year. Sadly, he was locked away in that sound booth so I didn’t get a chance to shake his hand. Yeah, his hand.
But back to when he was young(er). Back when he was in the band The Soup Dragons. And back when I was a youngin’ like in that picture.
I have no idea where I found out about The Soup Dragons, but I know the album was their 1988 release called “This is Our Art”. There were two songs I loved from that album, both are in the title of this post. And both can be seen in this live performance:
Majestic Head, Passion Protein, and Kingdom Chairs
The studio album is (obviously) a lot cleaner sounding than the live performance, but they still hit the mark live.
In 1990, they released the album “Lovegod”. Which most people know because of their cover of The Rolling Stones song “I’m Free”.
I’m Free
While I wasn’t a total fan of “I’m Free”, it was definitely a catchy tune. And probably the one the band is remembered for by most people.
But my favorite song on the album was either “Mother Universe”, “Softly”, or “Lovegod”. I’m not sure because they were all good, but all different.
As I can’t find online versions of “Softly” or “Lovegod”, you’ll have too hear “Mother Universe”, of which there are two versions. I’m not a fan of the 1991 re-release version which is a little off-sounding to me with the added horns, backing chorus, and increased tempo.
Mother Universe (1989 version)
Mother Universe (1991 version)
In 1992, the band released “Hotwired”. Each album they released seemed to get a little more “dancier”. And I was okay with that. The only song I remember hearing from that album on the radio in the US was “Divine Thing”.
Diving Thing
But one of my two favorites was “Running Wild”.
Running Wild
The other was “Pleasure”, which I also cannot find online to play for you.
I’m not sure where I was going with this post. It got away from me. Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey. Let’s just chalk it up to an audio trip down memory lane, shall we?
In reality I probably got sidetracked because I was looking at pictures of Hifi Sean while I was listening to all this…
osĀ·cuĀ·late /ĖƤskyÉĖlÄt/
1. (of a curve or surface) Touch (another curve or surface) so as to have a common tangent at the point of contact.
2. Kiss.
Can some one please tell me the point of the whole locked-padlock-on-a-chain-around-the-neck thing? Yes, I know: I’m sheltered. But I’ve lost count how many times I’ve seen someone wearing one, and I really don’t know the significance.