Tag Archives: Holiday

Kittehs POV

We’ve still had no luck keeping the kittehs out of the tree. I know I’ve had to talk the Husbear out of the trees a few times because of it. So much for “happy holiday season”.

The only “solution” we haven’t tried yet is the motion-sensing air blaster. But at $50 a setup, I’m holding off on that idea. For now.

So we have resorted to installing a temporary panel door between the kitchen and living room, and locking the kittehs in the kitchen and mudroom area when we’re not in the house, or when we’re sleeping. They are not amused. And to be honest, neither are us humans.

The tree may just come down before the holiday this year.

Hat tip to Alexander of Voenix Rising for thinking of me and sending me the cartoon.

Until next time...

Bad kittehs!

The Yaksmas tree was up for LESS than one day before the kittehs µ and m had destroyed it.

We put the tree up Sunday evening. And when we woke up Monday morning… well… there’s a Doctor Who episode (or two) that has these remote-controlled, killer Yaksmas trees in them that basically spin around and try to kill you. That’s what it looked like had happened to our tree.

The Husbear was not amused.

As the Husbear and I never found a solution that would keep them out of the tree last year, we have resigned ourselves to locking them up in the kitchen and mudroom when we’re not around to watch them. And even THAT took some doing: we had to install a temporary door just to get that to work.

Damn you, kittehs!

I wonder if anyone markets perimeter-aware shock collars for kittehs….

I’m so tempted.

Until next time...