Tag Archives: YouTube

‘Tis the Greatest Story Ever Told… about Rubber Duckies

Everyone wants to know about my thing with the rubber duckies. Well, maybe not everyone. But everyone who has asked me about them wants to know.

So it felt like another good opportunity for a video post. Because I know how much y’all love them. 😉

YouTube link

Gawd I’m so twitchy.

But now you know. Kind of.

Until next time...

Death of a Snowman

Sorry my posts have been so… empty of filler as of late. I’m just not a holiday person. And the season has started to wear me out.

But I do like this.

YouTube link

Bill Watterson’s “Calvin & Hobbes” is my favorite comic strip of all time. Which might explain that one tattoo I have. So far.

But whenever I think of snowmen, my mind immediately conjures up the images from Calvin & Hobbes.

Until next time...

Optimus Prime really was a jerk

I remember wanting a friend like this when I was a kid. Actually, I still would like a friend like this. He just needs to be less of a dick though, like Cliffjumper.

YouTube link

I have no idea who James Struthers, the singer of this song, is. But I seriously want the Optimus costume.

Stick around to the end of the video. I laughed.

Found on neatorama.

Until next time...


Thanks to a post over on Geeks Are Sexy, I was made aware of this piece of AWESOME: The Animaniacs Theme, done in Ragtime.

Stick around in the video for his second attempt at playing the song. Even MORE AWESOME.

I’ve always had a bizarre thing for ragtime. I don’t know why. But I have very early memories of liking Scott Joplin’s “The Entertainer”. And always being drawn to the ragtime pianist at Disney World who was also over by Casey’s Corner at the end of Main Street, USA.


I’m not really sure where I was going with that. But you just got a little more insight about me.

Until next time...