Friday, December 2, 2016 at 9:43 pm

The first picture I have of micro when we brought her in, circa November 2009. RIP, my special kitteh.

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The first picture I have of micro when we brought her in, circa November 2009. RIP, my special kitteh.
The first picture I have of micro when we brought her in, circa November 2009. RIP, my special kitteh.

20 thoughts on “The first picture I have of micro when we brought her in, circa November 2009. RIP, my special kitteh.

  1. Having lost my boy Harley a few months ago, I know all too well how much this hurts. Sending you as much love and comfort as possible. Long may your memories of her live 😘

  2. Sad news. It’s never easy losing a loved one. I hope the joy and love you shared brings you comfort duties by these difficult days ️️️❤️❤️❤️

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