Friday, December 2, 2016 at 9:43 pm
The first picture I have of micro when we brought her in, circa November 2009. RIP, my special kitteh.
[igp-video src=”” poster=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]
Sorry to hear you lost her. It sucks losing a pet.
@mdr4423 @linna.michael @notnepkered Thank you. It’s been a heavy day in my heart.
Aw, I’m sorry. It’s just the worst.
Very sorry my friend. Losing furry loved ones is the worst!
all cats go to heaven
I’m so sorry.
Having lost my boy Harley a few months ago, I know all too well how much this hurts. Sending you as much love and comfort as possible. Long may your memories of her live 😘
i’m really sorry for your loss.
Sorry you lost your girl. Big hugs 😔😘
Very sorry for your loss
Sad news. It’s never easy losing a loved one. I hope the joy and love you shared brings you comfort duties by these difficult days ️️️❤️❤️❤️
Hugs to you
I’m so sorry for your loss.
What a dear little thing. Also Micro. 🙂
Look how young and innocent you were! 😍
indeed I agree with good Mr. F.
Wait, what happened?! I just saw her not long ago! Sorry for your loss man 😢