12 of 12, March 2017 edition

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up by a number of random bloggers who linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 Challenge in December 2011, but passed the torch to someone who hasn’t kept up with it. I am giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who initially inspired me to do the Challenge, and he still does it as well.

This is my 63rd “12 of 12.” A Sunday.

10:26 AM: Time to change the battery in the clock, so I can change the time. Damned time change!
11:04 AM: Post-shower selfie. Because. Actually, had I not taken this, I would have been one picture short this month.
11:34 AM: Pretty much all that remains of yesterday’s snowmageddon.
3:21 PM: Today’s tattoo project. I don’t normally work on Sundays, but I didn’t have any time left in the next couple months to fit this in.
4:38 PM: Dinner time with the Husbear at the newly opened Big Whiskey in Bentonville. Nice place so far.
5:31 PM: I don’t think the Husbear’s mouth is big enough for that cock. LOL
7:42 PM: Busted. Someone was feeding someone else scraps.
8:45 PM Time for some leftovers. I really don’t eat much in a sitting.
10:04 PM: The girls have started laying.
10:44 PM: Domestic duties. Well, not duties. But the Husbear does somehow seem to not know how to load the dishwasher efficiently.
11:19 PM: Shoes in the mudroom. Methinks we need a new entry system… or less shoes.
11:59 PM: And… lame last picture. But it’s me working on this post.

And… that’s it for this post.

Until next time...

7 thoughts on “12 of 12, March 2017 edition

  1. My husband doesn’t know how to efficiently load a dishwasher either. If it were up to him it would be run every other day, when there’s just the 2 of us!

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