Monthly Archives: October 2012

Spontaneous Park-ing

Around 11 this morning, the fabulous GypsyBiscuit texted me that she and MAG were headed out to Pea Ridge National Military Park and wanted to know if we would like to join them to enjoy the brisk (i.e., 50 degrees!) sunny day, take pictures, and have a picnic.

So we did. And we had a wonderful time!

The park is exactly 7 miles from our home. But neither the Husbear nor I have been since we’ve lived here in Pea Ridge. He went to the park when he was a child, and I went at some point when I was in college. The last few weeks we had actually been talking about going for a visit. Perfect timing!

Battle of Pea Ridge sign, located in the visitor center.

The park is 4,300 acres. There is a nice visitor center with many cool displays, which oddly enough were narrated by Edward James Olmos. They also have a little shop, everyone loves a little shop. There is a driving road around the park, as well as a 7-mile hiking trail, a horse trail, and a bicycle trail.

Panoramic view of the park from the East Overlook.

We took the driving trail around the park and stopped at the various tour stops along the way to read the signs and take photos.

Ford Road viewed from the East Overlook.
One of many cannons throughout the park. This one is located in the Leetown Battlefield.
One of many fences that delineate most of the different farmer fields within the park.
One of two monuments commemorating the battle, located near Elkhorn Tavern.
Elkhorn Tavern, named for the elk horns mounted on the roof.

There was a lot of nature to look at around the park.

Field of zombie brains?
Some sort of thistle.
A random tree in silhouette.
The fabulous GypsyBiscuit teaching me about the ways of nature. It’s apparently going to be a harsh winter. The persimmon told us so.
MAG taking pictures.

And then something I haven’t done ever in the 15 years the Husbear and I have been together: a picnic!

MAG and GypsyBiscuit enjoying a nice picnic lunch.
The Husbear and yours truly, also picnicing.
Bench please!
Yours truly, blocking the view of Elkhorn Tavern with my noggin.

I need to study up more on the history of this area where we live. Our home sits on a route called the “Bentonville Detour” which was used during what would come to be called the Battle of Pea Ridge.

Following the path of present day Ryan Road, the Bentonville Detour turned north through this ravine as it left the valley of Little Sugar Creek. Based on input from McCulloch and McIntosh, Van Dorn expected this route would keep his army hidden from the Federal Army. The Federal entrenchments at little Sugar Creek were approximately 4 miles east of this point.

History. It’s awesome.

And thank you GypsyBiscuit and MAG for the invitation to spontaneity.

Until next time...