The Husbear and I hit the road this morning around 10:30 AM heading south to the gulf coast area. Our plan is to sightsee in the area for a few days before heading west to New Orleans.
After driving 666 miles, we arrived in Mobile, Alabama right around 10 PM. The route we took looks like this:
It rained on-and-off along the journey, sometimes extremely heavy. Heavy enough that it stressed me out on a few occasions.
I also got pulled over for speeding in BFE, Louisiana. I didn’t realize the speed limit had decreased down to 55 from 65, and as a result yours truly got pulled over. And got a ticket. Dang it.
Now we’re checked into some motel for the night. Because I’m tired. And had a rough day.
Tomorrow will be better.
Or so I’m telling myself.
Until next time...
We’re passing in the night! Hubby and I left Huntsville, AL today to drive to Dodgeville, Wisconsin, an hour west of Madison 🙂 Overnighting in Owensboro, KY, his family hometown and all-round beautiful place.
Have fun! See the forts in Mobile and over in Pensacola! Old stuff 🙂
I’ll tell te Husbear about the forts. I don’t remember him mentioning those.
And y’all have a safe journey!
what motel ?
Some Super8. I think. That’s what the wifi network is called at least.
Fort Pickens, fort barrancas …
I’ll add those to our list for next time we are down that way.
Let’s see… two hotties and a uniformed officer in the middle of BFE, and a porn scene didn’t happen? You two need to be dick-slapped for failure to entice.
Have fun in Mobile for a few days, but be prepared to head west soon before Isaac gets there.
Sadly, he was in no way a hot uniformed officer. I think he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. And ate a few roots too.
On top of that, two heavily tattooed men tend to draw the wrong kind of attention when they get pulled over by the police. At least not the attention that would result in a porn scene. At least in BFE.
Is it southern decadence time again or something? what’s up?
It is, or was. Or should have been.