Sunday was a rough day for many in this area. Tornados, strong winds, hail and massive flooding hammered this area.
I lost count of how many times the tornado sirens went off in Pea Ridge. Luckily, none came to fruition for us. And the flooding and hail damage we had was minimal and insignificant compared to what was suffered by those around us.
Joplin is only about 45 miles north of where I live. Both the Husbear and I have clients and acquaintances who live there. It’s the next big city north of where we live. The devastation there is unimaginable, even for a tornado.
Just watch this fly-over:
Sadly, Joplin wasn’t the only destruction that occurred near us. 30 miles to our west in South West City, MO, a friend lost his home and farm to an as-of-yet unlisted tornado a few hours later.
Facebook has been extremely active with all the people I’m friends with who live in the area: Friends seeking information on missing family members and friends; and friends announcing the death of loved ones. It’s hard to witness.
While I live in “Tornado Alley“, I can’t begin to imagine what I would do if that devastation happened where we live.
And yet, we’re preparing for another round of severe storms tonight. To the point ALL of our clients at the tattoo studio and the Husbear’s hair salon have rescheduled their afternoon and evening appointments, and most of the businesses in the area are actually sending their employees home early today. I don’t know if it’s due to a heightened sensitivity to what happened around us on Sunday, or if because this one is just going to be really bad. I guess we’ll find out in a few hours.
Until next time...
Be well and stay in the basement… or under a desk or something!
You’ll be in my thoughts. Be safe and keep us posted
Keeping my fingers crossed that tomorrow morning doesn’t find me crawling out of the closet.
Stay safe and check in so that we know you are, please.
Hunker down again- and get all the pets indoors
I hope things passed over safely, and that you continue to be safe and sound. Wishing you much luck and love.
That is some serious damage. Those poor people.
I hope it all goes well. Stay safe!
You know, it’s one thing to read about this disaster on the internet, but quite another to see a lengthy vid. This level of destruction is just beyond imagination. I’m glad you’re safe. Take care.