It’s 2 AM here, and I finally got this post finished. Not that I’ve been working on it for long really. I was watching Doctor Who on the other monitor, and reading other blogs as well. But here it is.
In this previous post, I asked my lovely readers to ask me questions for each of six topics:
Friends (answered here)
Sex (answered here)
Music (answered here)
Religion (answered here)
Love (answered here)
This post contains the answers for the questions that were asked under the last category, “Blogging”.
I appreciate all of you who got my mind thinking for me. And those of you who didn’t. 😉
What do you love about blogging?
What don’t you like about blogging?
I don’t know if there’s anything in particular I love about blogging. For me it’s just been a way to express myself somewhat better, and a way to store my thoughts somewhere other than in a paper diary.
I don’t know if it’s really a “don’t like”, but blogging used to be a cathartic, somewhat anonymous outlet for me at one point in time. (If you can call it anonymous since I use my real name and all.) The cathartic posting has decreased over time, at least the ones that get published publicly.
Who is your favorite blogger in Dayton, Ohio?
You’re from Ohio? I though you were from the Internet. 😉
When are you going to stop teasing all of us and give a full frontal pic ?
I don’t know if I’d post a full frontal picture on my blog. And I don’t know that me doing the full Monty will ever appear on this blog. Then again, I do drunk blog from time to time.
What’s a subject you would never blog about?
I don’t know if there’s a subject that I haven’t blogged about. Yet.
Do you feel you express yourself better in written form?
Very much so. But only when I’m emotionally wound up. However I do write better than I speak. I’m not the greatest conversationalist in the world.
Do you know the ASCII values for space-char, return and newline by heart? 🙂 (well, it’s a computer question and blogging is done on computers …)
Not those, but I do have a few other ones memorized that I use on this blog from time to time. But thanks to technological advances, I use those less and less these days. 😉
Do you have blogger crushes? Have you ever acted on them if you do, or would you?
There are a few bloggers that I initially started following because I found them both very attractive (to me) and expressive in written format.
And I suppose if the opportunity presented itself, all things are possible.
How has Blogging evolved/changed since you started blogging and do you think it is for the better or worse? Does blogging seem to lose any of its relevance now that it is being done by the masses or is it more relevant now that it seems everyone and their dog is doing it? Do you think there is a “blogging community” and do you feel any kind of connection to other bloggers that is based on the fact that you both blog? In other words, does discovering another person blogs hold any relevance to you or give you any sense of connection to them because of this commonality?
How has Blogging evolved/changed since you started blogging and do you think it is for the better or worse?
I’ve seen a lot of bloggers who were active in the blogging community stop blogging once Facebook became popular. Which really saddens me because I thought they were great bloggers.
Does blogging seem to lose any of its relevance now that it is being done by the masses or is it more relevant now that it seems everyone and their dog is doing it?
I don’t think that it’s lost it’s relevance. There are so many niches out there that one can find a plethora of blogging topics.
Do you think there is a “blogging community” and do you feel any kind of connection to other bloggers that is based on the fact that you both blog? In other words, does discovering another person blogs hold any relevance to you or give you any sense of connection to them because of this commonality?
I do think there is a blogging community, especially when you get a circle of bloggers who interact with one another. And a lot of those members usually have a common interest or two.
Would you have sex with a friend while listening to music if he loved hating religion, knowing he would blog about it the next day?
Would he be blogging about the hating of religion, the music selection, or about the sex? 😉
Until next time...
Re: Answer to your Super Combo Bonus reply: “Yes.”
That’s what I thought…. 😉
I recently did a similiar post, but I wanted them to ask me anything. I didn’t use subjects, although I wish I had now, I would have liked to answer questions on some of the topics raised.
I also agree there is definitely a blogger community.